In dealings with foreign countries, it is imperative to strictly abide by the disciplines related to foreign affairs and uphold our national dignity and state prestige.
Second, I should enhance my ethic , safeguard the nation's honor and take good care of public facilities.
This is your, I think, we can make sure that, we can defend the national dignity of the real action!
We advocate peace, but is not afraid of any provocation, we firmly to safeguard national sovereignty and integrity and national dignity!
He is a hero of the black people and respected all RACES, unlike some extremist groups, he used the correct methods to safeguard racial dignity.
But they face a landscape as uncertain as any in their lives, with Japan's economy hobbled and its national pride bruised by the triple disasters of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis.
But they face a landscape as uncertain as any in their lives, with Japan's economy hobbled and its national pride bruised by the triple disasters of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis.