• 图中看到流动贯穿管壁(油管泄漏)。

    So as marked, the flow can be seen going through the tubing wall (tubing Leak).


  • 液压油管泄漏

    Hydraulic pressure drill tubing divulging.


  • 6月2号,美国白宫宣布,英国石油公司(BP)因“深水地平线”底部油管泄漏受到刑事调查

    On JUNE 2nd the White House announced that BP, an oil firm, would be subject to a criminal investigation over the oil spilling out of the Deepwater Horizon rig.


  • 丰田公司周一在另场合表示美国扩大了一项针对油管泄漏问题的售后服务活动涵盖范围将扩大到934,000引擎汽车。

    Separately, Toyota said Monday it has expanded a U.S. service campaign for leaking oil hoses to cover 934,000 vehicles with six-cylinder engines.


  • 丰田公司周一在另场合表示美国扩大了一项针对油管泄漏问题的售后服务活动涵盖范围将扩大到934,000引擎汽车。

    Separately, Toyota said Monday it has expanded a U. S. service campaign for leaking oil hoses to cover 934,000 vehicles with six-cylinder engines.


  • 接下来一年,在环保局解决之前,因科赫公司石丁烷泄漏引起爆炸导致名年轻人死亡

    The following year, before the EPA case was resolved, a leak in a Koch butane pipeline led to an explosion that killed two teenagers.


  • 潜水机器人已经移除了覆盖石油泄漏旧防漏帽。这个帽盖六月上旬施放的防堵装置,油管相连,用来漏出的原油送海面上舰船点火燃烧掉

    Robotic submarines removed the cap that had been placed on top of the leak in early June to collect the oil and send it to surface ships for collection or burning.


  • 凯西-莱夫科维茨:“具有讽刺意味的是实际上条石油管道还穿越刚刚才发生泄漏黄石河。”

    SUSAN CASEY-LEFKOWITZ: "Ironically it would actually cross the Yellowstone River where the spill just happened."


  • 线爆炸,原油泄漏黄海巨大的火球风暴燃烧15个小时

    Crude oil leaked into the Yellow Sea, then burned in a huge firestorm for 15 hours.


  • 近些年泄漏发生油管运营商回收危险液体比例却呈明显下降趋势。

    And the percentage of dangerous liquids recovered by pipeline operators after a spill has dropped considerably in recent years.


  • 工作人员关闭埃克森美孚公司的石同时公司开始清理泄漏

    Workers shut off the Exxon Mobil pipeline, and the company continues to clean up the spill.


  • 连接油田的输一旦破裂,则泄漏就是源源不断直至把漏洞堵上。

    A broken pipe connected to an oilfield may continue leaking until it is fixed.


  • 这次发生港口城市大连原油泄漏7月16日的输油管爆炸引起的。

    The oil spill, at the port city of Dalian, is the result of a pipeline explosion on July 16.


  • 早在年前环保局已就几个一系列油管泄露起诉科赫工业集团公司,其中一处泄漏导致1994年10月纽埃塞斯珀斯克里斯蒂斯湾12英里长的油。

    The EPA had sued Koch Industries a year earlier for a series of pipeline leaks in several states, including one that left a 12-mile-long oil slick on Nueces and Corpus Christi bays in October 1994.


  • 石油巨头英国石油公司股价下跌1.9%,至483.15便士公司掌握大多数股权阿拉斯加输出现泄漏,导致产量减少。

    BP Plc, the U. k. oil company that's the largest shareholder in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, fell 1.9 percent to 483.15 pence after a leak closed the network.


  • 石油巨头英国石油公司股价下跌1.9%,至483.15便士公司掌握大多数股权阿拉斯加出现泄漏,导致产量减少。

    BP Plc, the U.K. oil company that's the largest shareholder in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, fell 1.9 percent to 483.15 pence after a leak closed the network.


  • 主要依据负压方法应用相关分析法理论道进行泄漏检测定位

    This paper USES theory of correlation analytic method to detect and locate the leakage of oil conveying according to the negative press wave method.


  • 结合管道模型负压建立多维判别法则,解决输油管泄漏检测漏点定位问题

    By combining the transient change model method and rarefaction wave method, the multidimensional rules to detect the leakage and locate the leak point were set up.


  • 定时检查模具恒温机→模油路接头是否松动,油管是否泄漏

    Regular check shall be implemented on the fastening of the joint between mold soaker and bottle blowing oil route and leakage of oil pipes.


  • 探讨基于PPTE传感器泄漏检测定位系统设计介绍了软硬件构成及其功能

    This paper discusses the design of PPTE sensor application applied in of leakage-detection and location system in the oil pipeline, and introduces its hardware, software and functions.


  • 设计了一基于动态压力变送器油管泄漏检测定位系统,阐述了其系统组成检测原理

    A leak detection and positioning system of oil pipeline based on dynamic pressure transmitter is designed, and the system composition and testing principle are specified.


  • 讨论了油管泄漏检测系统总体构成功能

    The overall constitution and function of oil pipeline leak detection system are studied.


  • 这些缺陷严重时会导致油管泄漏甚至断裂,使采油成本大幅度上升

    Because the severe defect will lead to the leakage and rupture of tubing, the production cost will be increased greatly.


  • 分析油管发生泄漏原因,提出了具体防治措施建议

    The causes for oil leakage in transferring pipeline are analyzed, and concrete countermeasures and precautions are suggested.


  • 油管线泄漏故障诊断对于减少经济损失环境污染有着很大的意义

    Oil pipeline leak detection and location is an important topic for reducing oil loss and environment protection.


  • 分析东北30多年来各类泄漏事故具体原因,提出了泄漏事故划分泄漏类型的观点。

    The oil leak accidents induced by different causes occurred in more than 30 years in the Northeast oil pipeline networks have been analyzed.


  • 地上已经有了许多原先线泄漏出来飞机燃料都是SCADA系统能探测到泄漏所引起的。

    The ground already contains quite a bit of jet fuel leaked from older hydrant pipe systems that was not detected by the existing SCADA instrumentation.


  • 为了辅助埋地巡线以及快速定位排查管和泄漏提出了利用红外热成像技术探测埋地输油管道的方法

    In order to assisting perambulation of underground petroleum pipeline, an infrared imaging method for rapidly detecting the stealing branches of pipeline and locating the leakage spots was proposed.


  • 为了辅助埋地巡线以及快速定位排查管和泄漏提出了利用红外热成像技术探测埋地输油管道的方法

    In order to assisting perambulation of underground petroleum pipeline, an infrared imaging method for rapidly detecting the stealing branches of pipeline and locating the leakage spots was proposed.


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