Basic loads include dead load live load and environmental load.
Survey and statistic of floor live load of residential building in Central Plains region;
Safety analysis and control during construction require better estimation of live loads.
Horizontal shores must be designed to support the dead loads, live loads and any special circumstance loading.
The loads for which a building must be designed may be classified into dead loads, vertical live loads, and lateral live loads.
The internal forces composition mainly is the composition of horizontal earthquake forces, constant load and live load.
The use of hollow POTS, in conjunction with reinforced concrete, reduces the dead weight and, therefore, permits a greater life load to be carried.
The use of hollow POTS, in conjunction with reinforced concrete, reduces the dead...
Meanwhile they study transmission force features that the live load is applied on each support cross-section, and present rational simplified computation model.
The loads on a building due to its occupancy, as well as snow loads on roof surfaces, are regarded as vertical live loads.
Referring the method of choosing the standard value of loads in service phase, the standard value of live loads during construction is suggested.
The live load should be determined that the exceedance probabilities of live load for different design working life equal to that for conventional design loads.
For equipment subject to considerable dynamic loads (e. g. heavy-duty fans) the individual load rates of the equipment are specified (dead load, live load and dynamic loads).
Some critical issues of structural analysis are present. The analysis results in reasonable design live load according to the code and architectural layout.
Based on 《Load code for the design of building structures》, the article analyzes and discusses the principle for decision of the floor uniform live load.
The design of cable dome is divided into three parts: pre-stressed calculation, static load applied calculation and variation load applied calculation.
He must also consider the live load, the weight of all the people, cars, furniture, machines, and so on that the structure support when it is in use.
The calculation models of the double decked tunnel were established in consideration of not only the interaction of the strata surrounding and lining but also the effect of live loads of vehicle.
Some explanations for specified values of live load and wind load for Technical Specification for Steel Structure of One-storey Light-weight Buildings with Gabled Frames (CECS102:98) are introduced.
Vertical live loads include all vertical live loads other than dead loads. Lateral live loads are external forces due to the action of wind, earth, and hydrostatic pressure.
For improving our highway bridge design, the authors refer to two new specifications from UK and USA, and raise 6 problems for discussion:1. Normal and special traffic live loading;
The ultrasonic method is unfit for inspecting the depth of crack originated from live load, since the crack will close after the load is removed.
The ultrasonic method is unfit for inspecting the depth of crack originated from live load, since the crack will close after the load is removed.