• 降低了流通成本提高了经营灵活性工作效率

    It reduces the circulation cost and improves the flexibility of management and efficiency.


  • 特别是进一步完善鲜活农产品运输绿色通道政策蔬菜流通成本有效降低

    The especially further perfect and flexible agricultural products transports a green channeling policy, the vegetable circulates cost effective step - down.


  • 同时为了保持价格吸引力PC厂商们尽量减少销售渠道流通成本

    At the same time for keep appeal of price, PC manufacturers try hard to reduce circulation cost of marketing channel.


  • 科学合理地组织粮食物流降低粮食流通成本提高粮食流通效率具有十分关键作用

    Operating grain logistics scientifically and reasonably carries a critical function in reducing the circulation costs and increasing the efficiency of grain circulation.


  • 物质流通成本相当一部分发生具体车辆运输中,因而稍微的节约都会导致流通成本大幅下降

    As the transportation cost occupy a great proportion in the circulation cost of goods, a small decrease of it would cause a great deal savings.


  • 论文十分关注21世纪印刷文本流通成本问题,同时专门探讨了“手稿”这样特殊文本运作中的地位问题。

    This dissertation lays a special emphasis on the circulation costs of the printed texts of the 21st century and at the same time discusses the position in operation of "manuscript", a special text.


  • 历史数据表明1997年之后,吉林省玉米价格竞争优势逐渐丧失,其中既有生产成本的原因,流通成本的原因。

    The historical data indicated, since 1997, the price competitive advantage of Jilin Province maize lost gradually, there are two reasons: production cost and circulation cost.


  • 利率下降,持有货币成本会随之减少流通中的货币增加,从而意味着更多消费支出

    When interest rates are cut, the cost of holding money goes down; and more money in circulation means more spending.


  • 而且考虑到毛利润计入直接生产成本排除了销售流通管理财务费用,因此实际利润增长率还要小的

    But gross margins take account only of the direct costs of production; they exclude selling, distribution, administrative and financial costs, which have all risen more slowly.


  • 设计师零售商经过这些工序与流通环节之后,基本上每件时尚成品包括牛仔裤,要成本价基础加价2.2至2.6左右销售

    After all this, designers and retailers say the typical retail markup on all fashion items, including jeans, ranges from 2.2 to 2.6 times cost.


  • 最低工资上调时,低员工流通率也会同时上涨这样将可以降低雇佣成本

    Turnover of low-paid staff often falls in places where minimum wages go up, reducing hiring costs.


  • 分析表明黑龙江省畜牧业具有成本优势没有价格优势,究其原因主要在于流通领域中的制度障碍

    The analysis indicate that Heilongjiang's animal industry possesses cost advantage, but does not price advantage, which results from circulation hindrance of inadequate government policy.


  • 行政壁垒抬高了区域间经济要素流通成本降低了经济活力。

    The administrative bulwark increases the circulation cost of the economic element and reduces the economic vigor.


  • 切实保障重要商品供给搞活流通降低物流成本加强市场价格监管保持物价总水平基本稳定

    We should effectively ensure the supply of major commodities, boost distribution of goods, reduce logistics costs, tighten oversight over market prices, and keep overall prices basically stable.


  • ECR新型供应链管理策略,是以最低成本最快、最好地实现消费者需求流通模式

    ECR is one kind of new supply chain management games, it is by the lowest cost, is quickest, realizes the consumer demand circulation pattern well.


  • 因此必须正本清源,国有股社会公众股购买成本进行缩基础上实现国有股的流通

    Therefore must radically reform, for state-owned share with the social share of the public purchase cost draw back share, on this foundation, realize the circulation of state -owned share.


  • 银行关心有没有做好实际现金流通准备、业务成本评估以及有没有健全营销策略

    The bank will be concerned that you have made realistic cash flow and operational cost assumptions, and that you have a sound marketing strategy.


  • 合理有效控制经营成本商业流通企业提升经营业绩关键

    Reasonable and effective operation cost control is the key of commercial circulation enterprises to improve their management performance.


  • 比如瑞士再保险公司如果为设在伦敦总部大楼安装开启窗户产生额外的高成本,虽然能够降低空气流通费用,但要十年以上才能与投入相抵。

    For example, Swiss re's installation of Windows that can be opened in its striking new London headquarters will take more than a decade of reduced ventilation bills to justify their extra cost.


  • 科学合理组织粮食物流降低粮食物流成本提高粮食流通效率具有十分关键作用

    The scientific and reasonable organization of the grain logistics has a critical effect on reducing the grain logistic cost and raising the efficiency of grain circulation.


  • 我国现有几种解决信托受益权流通的方式均存在成本高效率”的缺陷。

    All of China's present methods concerning the flowing of Trust beneficiary right have the defects of "low efficiency with high cost".


  • 问题结果造成企业商品流通领域成本居高不下,企业的市场决策缺乏准确量化经营数据做为依据参考,造成企业资源的大量浪费。

    On the other way round, it makes the cost of commodity flow keeping very high, the market decision-making be short of reliable measurable foundation.


  • 分销渠道管理理论是以经济学流通理论商品流通理论、交易成本经济学营销理论基础来源的。

    The marketing channel manages the circulation theories in the economics, the merchandise circulation theories, the trade cost economics and the marketing theories for foundation and source.


  • 由于互联网特征使得这些企业产品或者服务存储传播流通成本大大下降

    Because of the characteristic of Internet, make the memory of the products or service of these enterprises leave with propagating the cost circulating greatly Lower.


  • 纸币发明极大地方便了商品交换降低了交易成本促进了商品流通,曾宋元两朝盛极一时

    The paper money invention has enormously facilitated the commodity exchange, reduced the transaction cost, promoted the circulation of commodities, and prevailed in Song and Yuan Dynasty.


  • 流通环节成本效率劣势几乎抵销良好气候低生产成本带来的优势

    The currency channel is high cost and low efficiency, which offsets the advantages of favorable climate and low planting cost.


  • 电子商务传统商业贸易相比减少中间流通环节大幅度降低成本增强企业竞争力

    Compared to traditional commerce and trade, the flow of the middle link in a significant reduction in costs are decreased bye-commerce, and which enhance the competitiveness of businesses.


  • 电子商务传统商业贸易相比减少中间流通环节大幅度降低成本增强企业竞争力

    Compared to traditional commerce and trade, the flow of the middle link in a significant reduction in costs are decreased bye-commerce, and which enhance the competitiveness of businesses.


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