It is understood that pirate activity was reported in the region earlier that day.
They reckon that this is because piracy is a “market-dependent” crime.
They reckon that this is because piracy is a "market-dependent" crime.
This makes it very useful to the archaeologist as an indicator of Viking activities.
The pirates of the Spanish Main lived and worked in a time called the Golden Age of Piracy.
Though the region suffers from rampant piracy, it mainly affects international shipping rather than locals.
After a spike in pirate attacks in the Gulf of Aden in the fall, 18 countries contributed warships to an Armada to police the region.
Analyst worry the rise of ransom prices is spurring more piracy in the Indian Ocean, and could complicate negotiations.
The academics are able to test this hypothesis using a new set of figures on global piracy, put together from reports filed by ships’ captains to the International Maritime Bureau.
Plagued by civil war, grinding poverty and rampant piracy, Somalia will be the world's worst in 2010.
In recent years, the rampant piracy in Somalia, the Gulf of Aden off Somalia as a whole has become the world's most dangerous waters.
We will step up coordination and cooperation with relevant African countries and the international community and support efforts by regional countries to combat piracy.
There are pirate sites, including a pirate name generator, an instructional video on how to talk like a pirate and a live piracy Google map.
Morgan was unaware that England and Spain signed a peace treaty which ended the privateering of the ships from both countries.
长春号和常州号是中国海军在亚丁湾的巡逻船只, , 目的是确保海盗活动区域的通行安全。
Thee Changchun and Changzhou are PLAN ships that patrol the Gulf of Aden, securing shipping lanes in the piracy-prone region.
The academics are able to test this hypothesis using a new set of figures on global piracy, put together from reports filed by ships' captains to the International Maritime Bureau.
Piracy came alive in the 1720s and incredibly, 2,000 to 3,000 pirates sailed just in the Caribbean.
Both Merriam-Webster and the OED say they were used for pirating, which fits with the “hunt” and “chase” theme.
For countries with very poor levels of governance (as measured by a commonly used World Bank index), small improvements in such things as law enforcement, stability and security lead to more piracy.
According to Ecoterra, a Kenya-based group which tracks Somali piracy, 24 foreign-flagged vessels are presently being held hostage in Somalia with a total of 434 hostages on board.
After leaving her husband and setting sail with Rackham, Bonny became famous for her success as a pirate and her effectiveness in combat even though she didn't command a ship.
After leaving her husband and setting sail with Rackham, Bonny became famous for her success as a pirate and her effectiveness in combat even though she didn't command a ship.