• 游泳骑车哪种运动消耗热量大?

    Which burns up more calories—swimming or cycling?


  • 随着一天天衰老,我们身体消耗热量的功能逐渐减弱。

    As we get older, our bodies become less efficient at burning up calories.


  • 中年,身体消耗热量效率下降

    By midlife our bodies become less efficient at burning up calories.


  • 跑步健身房中用来短时间消耗热量最佳工具

    The running machine is the best tool in the gym to burn the most calories in the shortest time.


  • 力量训练可以减少身体脂肪增加肌肉有效地消耗热量

    Strength training helps decrease body fat, increase lean muscle mass and burn calories more efficiently.


  • 跑步跑步健身房中用来短时间消耗热量最佳工具

    Hit the treadmill. The running machine is the best tool in the gym to burn the most calories in the shortest time.


  • 骑车水中跑步越野滑雪以及椭圆机都可以消耗热量而不用跑步。

    Cycling, water running, cross country skiing and using an elliptical trainer burn decent amounts of calories without the pounding of running.


  • 甲状腺激素控制很多人体活动速率包括心率消耗热量快慢

    Thyroid hormones control the rate of many of the body's activities, including heart rate and how fast you burn calories.


  • 体温自动进行调节时,身体消耗热量,同时,湿热天气人们减少食量。

    The body burns calories when forced to regulate its own temperature, and people tend to eat less in hot, humid weather.


  • 有氧运动促进脂肪分解,增加能量消耗消耗热量多少运动负荷量有关

    Has the oxygen movement to be able to promote the steatolysis, the increase energy consumption, consumption quantity of heat how many to concern with the movement load.


  • 当然不是要让刚刚跑步机上消耗热量上一大碗冰激凌或者美味马提尼

    And no, I'm not talking about that big bowl of ice cream or tasty martini that you're trying to earn while you're slaving away on the treadmill.


  • 斯科特,他们每天消耗热量6000卡路里,难以补充回来,所以体重下降很快

    Scott said the pair had been burning up to 6, 000 calories a day but had not always been able to find it, so had lost a lot of weight.


  • 研究人员们感到惊讶的是,少电视消耗热量没有作用,也没有改变睡眠习惯

    To the researchers' surprise, cutting back television time didn't have an effect on calorie consumption, nor did it change sleep habits.


  • 额外糖分消耗热量5%—10%,每天女性摄入100千焦热量男性150千焦。

    Added sugar to less than 5 to 10 percent of calories consumed, or about 100 calories per day for women and 150 calories for men.


  • 穿着一步核心肌肉力量会得到增强、身体的姿态会得到改善而且可以消耗热量

    Every step you take in your FitFlops improves your core muscle strength and encourages better posture and burns calories.


  • 我们尽量以身作则如果人们还按照现在速度消耗热量,那么韩国可能会面临严重

    We're trying to set an example because the country may face a severe electricity shortage if the current pace (of heating consumption) continues.


  • 所以女士们不要害怕杠铃力量训练可以减少身体脂肪增加肌肉有效地消耗热量

    So ladies, don't fear the barbells. Strength training helps decrease body fat, increase lean muscle mass and burn calories more efficiently.


  • 每天保持适量运动增加心肺功能改善心脏血液循环系统消耗热量加快新陈代谢作用

    Maintain right amount motion to have everyday increase heart lungs function, improve heart and haemal circulatory system, use up quantity of heat, accelerate the effect such as metabolism.


  • 简单问题:如果锻炼消耗热量并且消耗热量可以减肥的话,锻炼也会产生一个效果刺激食欲

    The basic problem is that while it's true that exercise burns calories and that you must burn calories to lose weight, exercise has another effect: it can stimulate hunger.


  • 那么这个低压液态氟利昂出去毛细管通过控制阀13进入换热单元16消耗热量品位热源

    Then this low-pressure liquid Freon goes out of the capillary pipe through Control valve 13 and enters Heat-exchange unit 16 to consume heat from low grade heat source.


  • 减少肌肉会降低身体消耗热量速率保持健康体重或者减去多余脂肪变得更具挑战性

    Less muscle mass also decreases the rate at which your body USES calories, which can make it more challenging to maintain a healthy weight or lose excess pounds.


  • 多少年来对于人们变胖解释一直直白:能量平衡惹的祸,或者说是摄入热量消耗热量之间的对决

    For years, the explanation for weight gain was straightforward: it was all about energy balance, or calories-in versus calories-out.


  • 这下找到了试玩维尔游戏系统的借口了,尽管那时你孩子节日礼物。研究表明利用健身电子游戏来锻炼完全可以消耗热量

    Here's your excuse to try out the Wii system you bought your kids for the holidays: Studies show that working out using fitness video games does burn calories.


  • 国际肥胖期刊》上一项研究报告,大笑能提高心率消耗热量超过15分钟的时间消耗10-40卡路里热量

    Laughing raises your heart rate and caloricexpenditure, resulting in about 10-40 calories burned over 15 minutes of laughter according to a study by the International Journal of Obesity.


  • 国际肥胖期刊》上一项研究报告,大笑提高心率消耗热量,笑超过15分钟的时间消耗10 - 40卡路里热量

    Laughing raises your heart rate and caloric expenditure, resulting in about 10-40 calories burned over 15 minutes of laughter according to a study by the International Journal of Obesity.


  • 国际肥胖期刊》上一项研究报告,大笑提高心率消耗热量,笑超过15分钟的时间消耗10 - 40卡路里热量

    Laughing raises your heart rate and caloric expenditure, resulting in about 10-40 calories burned over 15 minutes of laughter according to a study by the International Journal of Obesity.


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