Both he and primatologist Jane Goodall have observed chimpanzees dancing with total abandon at waterfalls that emerge after heavy rains.
Primatologists aren't sure, for example, if chimpanzees collaborate in the wild or, if they do, how much.
Researchers Matthew Campbell and renowned primatologist Franz de Waal studied 23 chimpanzees who live in two separate groups.
Researchers Matthew Campbell and renowned primatologist Franz DE Waal, studied 23 chimpanzees who live in two separate groups.
So Tomasello's Max Planck colleague primatologist Christophe Boesch looked for evidence of altruism in the wild.
Primatologist Victoria Horner, at Emory University, has worked with the same chimpanzees at Ngamba Island Sanctuary.
German primatologist Dana Pfefferle watched a group of macaques, counting the females \ \ \ 'yells and the males \ \ \' pelvic thrusts.
But Steve Ross, a primatologist at Lincoln Park Zoo, wanted to explore this behaviour further and found that there were no data on sequential learning in gorillas.
Even at age 77, 1 primatologist Jane Goodall travels the world more than 300 days each year to offer hope in 2 refugee camps and promote conservation among children.
One of the authors of the article was Dorothy Fragaszy, a University of Georgia primatologist who was studying the capuchins at a private nature preserve in Brazil.
Frans B.M. DE Waal, a noted primatologist at Emory University, says that a variety of animals — not just cats or dogs, but even rats — feel empathy and other emotions [Source: Scientific American].
许多热心人士都认为大脚怪是真实存在的,尽管目前并没有任何证据使灵长类动物学家相信。 灵长类动物学家是研究灵长类动物的,例如猿和人类。
Plenty of enthusiasts believe Bigfoot is real, though there isn’t any evidence that would be convincing to a primatologist– a scientist who studies primates, such as apes and humans.
Plenty of enthusiasts believe Bigfoot is real, though there isn't any evidence that would be convincing to a primatologist - a scientist who studies primates, such as apes and humans.
Moreover, scientists want their work to be replicated; it is the only way it will stand the test of time, observes Robert Seyfarth, a primatologist and Dr Hauser’s former mentor.
Dr. de Waal, a primatologist, has long studied the cooperative side of primate behavior and believes that aggression, which he has also studied, is often overrated as a human motivation.
本周,享有盛誉的的灵长类动物学家珍古德(Jane Goodall)督促欧盟多做一些促进其他治疗途径的工作,并且主张为动物实验替代设立一块诺贝尔奖牌。
This week, the renowned primatologist Dr Jane Goodall urged the EU to do more to promote other routes to cures. She advocated a Nobel Prize for alternatives to animal testing.
本周,享有盛誉的的灵长类动物学家珍古德(Jane Goodall)督促欧盟多做一些促进其他治疗途径的工作,并且主张为动物实验替代设立一块诺贝尔奖牌。
This week, the renowned primatologist Dr Jane Goodall urged the EU to do more to promote other routes to cures. She advocated a Nobel Prize for alternatives to animal testing.