它是将热升华墨水直接打印在涂织物上,无需任何介质,通过显示机色彩还原所需画面。 设备稳定,成本低,效率高,省人工,市场前景广阔,商机无限。
Brief introduction: This machine eliminates the need for any medium, with stability , low cost , high efficiency and labor-saving, it has a promising market and an unlimited business opportunities.
它是将热升华墨水直接打印在涂织物上,无需任何介质,通过显示机色彩还原所需画面。 设备稳定,成本低,效率高,省人工,市场前景广阔,商机无限。
Brief introduction: This machine eliminates the need for any medium, with stability , low cost , high efficiency and labor-saving, it has a promising market and an unlimited business opportunities.