Research laser US space agency Nasa has funded a study of "tractor beams" to gather samples for analysis in future missions.
To protect the Death Star, it was equipped with 10,000 turbo-laser batteries, 2,600 ion canons, and over 700 tractor beam projectors.
A dozen internal tractor beams suck up huge molecular furnace capable of breaking down or converting virtually any substance into useful materials.
牵引光束需要空气才能工作,所以短时间内还不能用它来发射宇宙飞船。 这也无可厚非因为万事开头难嘛,贝尔当时也不能呼叫等待和发短信啊。
Because it needs air to work, we won't be using it to move spaceships any time soon, but Alexander Graham Bell didn't have "call waiting" or "text messaging."
牵引光束需要空气才能工作,所以短时间内还不能用它来发射宇宙飞船。 这也无可厚非因为万事开头难嘛,贝尔当时也不能呼叫等待和发短信啊。
Because it needs air to work, we won't be using it to move spaceships any time soon, but Alexander Graham Bell didn't have "call waiting" or "text messaging."