She always keeps an eye on her baby when she is doing the housework.
And she lay, with her eyes just moving, following in her mind that little scuttling sound, and waiting for sleep to release her from it.
When I'm cycling I tend to be focused on cycling, keeping a close eye on the road, keeping tabs on the messages my bicycle and my body are sending me.
The word ‘attend’ implies that there is tenderness at work… that we are seeing with our heart.
This means being mindful of our choices at all times and choosing to being totally authentic without being fearful of the outcomes of our words and actions.
"I was running" answered Rick and he walked to the fireplace "You turned on the fireplace," said Rick looking at the fire with attention.
We sat down on the park bench and watched the people as they passed.
The word 'attend' implies that there is tenderness at work… that we are seeing with our heart.
It will provide me the kinds of insights that I need in making very difficult decisions, but it will also mean that these folks are gonna be looking out for the people who work for them.
Wee sat down on the park bench and watched the people as they passed.
Becoming more creative means paying attention to that endless flow of ideas you produce, and learning to capture and act upon the new that's within you.
Mercury also rules communication, so the chances of being misunderstood by your present-day friends may increase - be careful.
At this, to his surprise, the cow stopped eating grass, but raised its head, pricked up its ears, wagged its tail and, pacing up and down in small steps, began to listen attentively.
At this, to his surprise, the cow stopped eating grass, but raised its head, pricked up its ears, wagged its tail and, pacing up and down in small steps, began to listen attentively.