They ran for the Warthog parked on the dirt track at the base of the tree house.
After 10 minutes of fight leopard surrendered and the victim managed to escape.
After three hours of digging, the lions finally extract the warthog.
Eep: Well, Ithought he was a warthog, but then he turned into a boy.
The warthog's trapezoidal skull is straight out of Picasso's "Guernica."
The diet of a warthog consists mainly of grasses, roots, and berries, along with the occasional carrion.
An almost guaranteed sighting in the first few minutes is the awkward looking warthog, scampering1 along with its tail in the air.
That way if an intruder climbs into the hole, the first thing it will find is a pair of tusks facing it.
In parts it was still green, and dotted with antelopes and warthog, but as our journey progressed, it became drier and hotter, and the nature of the occasional stops changed, too.
在A - 10型,更好地了解许多的疣猪,是另一个例子之间的紧张关系的空军和陆军在固定翼飞机有关。
The A-10, better known to many as the Warthog, is another example of the tension between the air force and the army where fixed-wing aircraft are concerned.
在非洲撒哈拉以南地区,病毒通过疣猪和其它野猪等传播,也可通过特定类型的虱子传播。 在家猪中直接传播是一个日益严重的问题。
In a sub-Saharan context the virus is spread through transmission in warthogs and other wild pig species and can be transmitted by a particular type of tick.
由于他的引导,两架A - 10疣猪攻击机和两架F - 15鹰式战斗机对数个游击队阵地进行了致命的打击,把他们牢牢地钉在阵地上动弹不得。
As a result of his efforts, two A-10 Warthogs and two F-15 Strike Eagles dealt lethal effects onto numerous enemy positions and disrupted their ability to maneuver.
I became acquainted with other animals: troops of vervet and redtail monkeys; the beautiful red colobus monkey; the shy bushbuck; the fat ginger bush pig.
I became acquainted with other animals: troops of vervet and redtail monkeys; the beautiful red colobus monkey; the shy bushbuck; the fat ginger bush pig.