Objective: To investigate the expression and distribution of melanoma antigen gene in human gastric carcinoma.
前言:目的:对近年来胃癌组织中黑色素瘤抗原基因A 1 (M AGEA1)和黑色素瘤抗原基因A 3 (MAGEA3)表达及应用的研究进行综述。
Objective: To review the recent studies on the expression and application of the melanoma antigen A1 (MAGEA1) and the melanoma antigen A3 (MAGEA3) genes in human gastric carcinoma.
前言:目的:对近年来胃癌组织中黑色素瘤抗原基因A 1 (M AGEA1)和黑色素瘤抗原基因A 3 (MAGEA3)表达及应用的研究进行综述。
Objective: To review the recent studies on the expression and application of the melanoma antigen A1 (MAGEA1) and the melanoma antigen A3 (MAGEA3) genes in human gastric carcinoma.