A system manager can modify the config file by hand, but it is assumed that at some level an application will be required to modify the config file directly.
For every STL class that needs to be included in a model, a Binding class should be created and used with other model elements rather than using STL classes directly.
Naturally, you will need to set properties and call the occasional method directly on a TreeView.
It also includes the metadata files required by Eclipse so that it can be imported directly and seamlessly into that IDE.
Developers are not expected to modify the properties directly with the API, but rather through their application server or data store instrumentation.
Volunteer to help those truly in need - you will see first-hand what a difficult life is.
But finance's risks are everyone's because Banks rely both directly and indirectly on taxpayers' support.
Unfortunately, many people do not communicate their needs directly.
One of the reasons we need much of our architecture documentation today is because there's no way of representing architectural structures directly using the technologies we have at our disposal.
Some advocates say we need to encourage solar more directly.
由于实质性程序的目的在于更直接地发现重大错报,在期中实施实质性程序时更需要考虑其成本效益的权衡; ;
Thee substantive procedures aim to detect the material misstatements more directly, so auditors should weigh its costs and benefits in implementing substantive procedures in the interim period.
You need to learn how to have your increased efforts benefit you and your family directly.
If no bug reporting information came with your plugin or theme, you'll need to contact the author directly.
If you do that a few times, you may want to apply for an SVN account so you can fix things directly.
The factor of tax in the Process of financing influences not only the corporation's cash flows but also the amount of funds, and also influences the financing cost directly or indirectly.
The factor of tax in the Process of financing influences not only the corporation's cash flows but also the amount of funds, and also influences the financing cost directly or indirectly.