Does stuff change phase to go from liquid to solid and so forth, right?
You need a functional form that connects the value at one state of matter, the freezing point of water to another phase change, the boiling point of water.
Phase Change Materials (PCM) is a high thermal storage substance.
The effect of each composition of two-body central potential on the critical density for ferromagnetic transition is calculated for neutron matter.
Quantum chromodaynamics predicts that at high temperature and high density a deconfined phase from hadronic matter to quark-gluon plasma will occur.
还计算了在M - S势作用下的中子物质出现铁磁相变的临界密度、含有铁磁相变的物态方程及中子星模型。
For neutron matter with M-S interaction, the critical density of the ferromagnetic transition, the equation of state and the neutron star models are calculated.
Based on constituent quark mass and current quark mass model, the phase transition of two-flavor quark matter to more stable three-flavor quark matter in the core of supernova is studied.
This problem deals with the phase change of a substance with the boundary conditions specified at the moving boundary.
The mechanics on the phase transfer could be explained clearer and deeper by combining material micro structure, micro mechanics of phase transform and macro thermodynamic theory.
The phase transition of two-flavor quark matter into strange matter in the interior of a neutron star is studied.
The relation among the matter phase-transition, crystalline degree, crystal site and spectrum fractal were discussed.
The energy flux and mass flux equations have been established while a liquid vapor phase change occurs on spherical gas nucleus wall on the basis of non equilibrium thermodynamics.
Up to now, there have been hands of mineral liquid crystalline materials, and mostly show isotropic-nematic phase transition, such as V_2O_5, boehmite.
We review the status of the research on the phase structure and phase transitions of nucleus and strong interacting matter briefly.
As the study of properties of warm asymmetric nuclear matte may shed a light on the study of neutron star, the liquid-gas phase transition of warm asymmetric nuclear matte is investigated.
It is shown that this model can not only de-scribe the saturation properties of nuclear matter, but also can explain the quark decon-finement phase transition successfully.
Using the conditions for phase transition we constructed EOSs with CFL phase at high density and nuclear matter at low density, together with a intermediate mixed phase.
Temperature effects of symmetry energy, mechanical and chemical instability and liquid-gas phase transition are analyzed.
Temperature effects of symmetry energy, mechanical and chemical instability and liquid-gas phase transition are analyzed.