• 环境科学家佩·德雷塞尔认为未经处理人类粪便种植粮食,这种做法的社会经济效益超过健康风险

    Pay Drechsel, an environmental scientist, argues that the social and economic benefits of using untreated human waste to grow food outweigh the health risks.


  • 客户创造良好社会经济效益

    For customers to create a good social and economic benefits.


  • 推广应用两步再生法好的社会经济效益

    Popularization of the method has better social and economic benefits.


  • 并且取得好的社会经济效益使病人满意度明显上升

    And has obtained the very good society and the economic efficiency, causes the patient degree of satisfaction obvious rise.


  • 保证施工速度工程质量取得良好社会经济效益

    Thus, construction speed and quality are ensured, and good social and economic benefit is gained.


  • 研究成果企业成功应用取得显著的社会经济效益

    This research has been successfully used in enterprises, and has yielded remarkable social and economic benefits.


  • 前言:目的提高中药饮片配方质量创造更好社会经济效益

    Objective: To improve the herbal Yinpian dispensation quality and create better social and economical benefits.


  • 重要性以及它所蕴涵的社会经济效益世界各国所认识

    Its importance as well as its social and economical benefits has already known by the world.


  • 系统广东省东莞市投入运行,取得了良好社会经济效益

    This system has been used in DongGuan City of GuangDong province and makes good benefit of social and economy.


  • 可以广泛应用于保健领域,为人类健康有着深远社会经济效益

    The invention can be extensively applied to the field of health care and achieve profound social and economic benefits on health of mankind.


  • 尤其近几年在配合大气治理环保达标方面取得良好社会经济效益

    In particular, the atmosphere in recent years with the governance, environmental protection standards have made a good social and economic benefits.


  • 这些成功应用纺织工业注入新的生机产生良好社会经济效益

    These successful applications had poured into the new vitality for the textile industry and had created good social and economic efficiency.


  • 工程取得了环境社会经济效益的多赢,为建设零排放矿山迈出坚实的一步

    The project realizes comprehensive environment, society and economic benefits, then taking an essential step in building the Zero-discharging mine.


  • 经济技术分析表明,纤维沥青混凝土路面具有良好社会经济效益,可推广使用。

    The fiber-reinforced asphalt concrete pavement is worthy to popularize because of its excellent properties, favorable economic and social benefits.


  • 分析结果表明职业健康安全管理体系建立运行企业良好社会和经济效益

    We reached the conclusion that the establishment and implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System is in favor of the social and economic benefits for the enterprises.


  • 实施道路安全评价”,有效地降低道路交通事故率获得显著社会经济效益

    Implementing of the evaluation of road safety may reduce the number of the accidents, and obtain the outstanding social and economic benefits.


  • 农业广播电视教育中国取得明显社会经济效益,已经成了一种重要的教育形式。

    The agricultural tele-education has gained obvious social and economical benefit in China and become an important educational way.


  • 最后分析了各种废渣危害评价了利用废渣生产混凝土会带来很大社会和经济效益

    At last, the harm of waste residue is put forward, but the benefit of application of waste residue concrete is high assessed.


  • 并且金银花茶制作工艺设计合理操作简单易于推广具有显著的社会经济效益

    Besides, the preparation process of the honeysuckle tea has the advantages of reasonable design, simple operation and easy generalization, thereby achieving remarkable social and economic benefits.


  • 此外,还详细介绍工程逆作法施工方法,体现了这种施工方案良好社会经济效益

    In addition, the methods of reverse construction in the project are recommended. The method have good society and economic performance.


  • 摘要广东梅州多年时间全力推动生态农业生产取得了良好社会经济效益

    Abstract: Guangdong, Meizhou, with more than 10 years of time, efforts to promote eco agricultural production, and achieved good social and economic benefits.


  • 转基因食品人们带来了巨大社会经济效益独特品质特性深受人们关注

    GMF (genetically modified food) has bring tremendous social and economic benefits for human beings, and its unique characteristics and the quality has lead to the people's concern.


  • 应用结果表明技术使本装置净化水中的氨氮含量明显降低具有良好社会经济效益

    The results of its application in the wastewater stripper show that it can remarkably reduce the ammonia concentration in the stripper effluent, obtaining good social and economic benefits.


  • 系统主要应用天气会商行政会议教学培训实际应用发挥出明显社会经济效益

    The system mainly applies in the weather consultation, the administrative conference and teaching and training, and displays the obvious social and economic efficiency in the practical application.


  • 运用分布式网络数据库技术开发高校实验室综合信息管理系统很好的社会经济效益,意义重大

    The development of University Laboratory Comprehensive Information Management System with the use of distributed database technique is very important, having good social and economic value.


  • 通过此次优化设计缩短工程建设工期半年多,节省了一亿资金取得良好社会经济效益

    The project construction time limit is cut short to over six months, near 100 million Yuan fund is saved and good social and economic benefit is obtained according to this optimization design.


  • 本文所用催化方法实际作业中具有技术可行性,并重大潜在社会经济效益值得深入研究试验

    The overseeding methods in this paper are able to be used technically in the practical field test, which is worthy to make further studies and tests.


  • 学生保持高低,不仅关系远程教育机构办学社会经济效益也是教学水平管理水平反映

    Student persistence rate is not only related to distance education institutions to run the social and economic benefits as well as the reflection of their teaching and management level.


  • 设备在线监测与故障诊断新兴交叉工程学科工业企业成功应用带来了巨大社会经济效益

    The technology of fault diagnosis (FD) is a new intercross technical science. Since it was applied to industrial enterprises, it has brings great benefits to the social land economic development.


  • 设备在线监测与故障诊断新兴交叉工程学科工业企业成功应用带来了巨大社会经济效益

    The technology of fault diagnosis (FD) is a new intercross technical science. Since it was applied to industrial enterprises, it has brings great benefits to the social land economic development.


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