At this stage, each item in the list has an empty frame associated with it.
Similarly, if a double comma is entered as user data, then the channel exit at that position in the list will get user data consisting of a blank String.
A generated model can be saved into a placeholder (an empty model), aligned with the master model, and then a compare session can be run to create a list of changes (see Figure 1).
Functional Tester creates a blank script that looks similar to Listing 4.
Use all the tools the author provides -- lists, bullets, sidebars, anything extra in the margins.
RC版本发布了好几个内置的脚手架模板:“Empty(空白)”, “List(列表)”,“Details(细节)”,“Edit(编辑)”和“Create(创建)”(你也可以添加自己的脚手架模板,稍后会提供更多细节)。
The RC ships with a number of built-in scaffold templates: “Empty”, “List”, “Details”, “Edit” and “Create” (you can also add your own scaffold templates – more details on this in a moment).
Abundant white space, graphics, lists, and bullets should be the norm in the guide.
Break after a colon followed by a white space; this is assumed to be the start of a list.
Drag two push buttons onto the blank canvas from the button widget list on the left and double click on each to change their name.
Next, each element in the list of comma-separated words is trimmed (leading and trailing whitespace is elided) through the trim function, then compared to the supplied regex.
If you build your game while this list is blank, only the currently open scene will be included in the build.
If you want to quickly build a test player with only one scene file, just build a player with a blank scene list.
In the first empty row in the grid, select the small cell to the right of the asterisk to access the drop-down list.
With spam plugins adding to that list, it's not easy to check for odd data, and it's easy to miss multiple blank lines. This way makes it easier.
Most designers use other idioms to add list items: Click a button or select a menu item and a new, blank entry is added to the list and the user can then edit-in-place its name.
To add a new folder, enter the name of the new folder in one of the empty boxes in the list.
Select the partition in the device list or the blank space in the partition map.
The list of numbers rose to 37. But number 37 was blank. And then there were no more entries.
The list of numbers rose to 37. But number 37 was blank. And then there were no more entries.