It should tell you the IP address and you should be able to change your ROOT password.
Protect your username and password carefully. If you find your account has been illegally accessed by others, inform the administrators of the site as soon as possible.
It updates the administrator password and sends an email to the administrator's email address.
RandomPasswordGenerator helps you protect your confidental data by creating secure passwords. It is highly customizable and creates always unique passwords for securing your data!
简易中文操作界面,快速设定清洗工艺参数,清洗程序可存储; 可根据管理者权限设置分级管理密码。
Easy Chinese operation interface, quick and easy cleaning process parameters setting, procedures can be stored and called out;
简易中文操作界面,快速设定清洗工艺参数,清洗程序可存储; 可根据管理者权限设置分级管理密码。
Easy Chinese operation interface, quick and easy cleaning process parameters setting, procedures can be stored and called out;