• 手上皮肤粗糙没有弹性。

    The skin on her hands was hard and rough.


  • 靠在粗糙夹克上

    She rested her cheek against the roughness of his jacket.


  • 长椅粗糙木桌

    The bench had a rough wooden table in front of it.


  • 粗糙岩壁一条很深运河的两岸。

    The rough rock walls were like the sides of a deep canal.


  • 天气寒冷皮肤变得粗糙

    Cold weather roughens your skin.


  • 气候使容貌变得粗糙

    His features had been coarsened by the weather.


  • 条细细亮亮的水印爬过粗糙水泥窗台

    A thin, glistening thread of moisture ran along the rough concrete sill.


  • 随着年龄增长的头发逐渐粗糙

    Her hair gradually coarsened as she grew older.


  • 摸摸有多粗糙

    Feel how rough this is.


  • 双手由于多年空手道练习粗糙布满老茧。

    His hands were rough and callused, from years of karate practice.


  • 飞蛾前面飞舞,最后粗糙喷漆金属上。

    Moths flew in front of it, eventually settling on the rough painted metal.


  • 这个农妇常干粗活粗糙

    The farm woman's hands were rough with hand work.


  • 原始社会粗糙石器猎取野兽

    Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements.


  • 需要感觉粗糙还是光滑的。

    She needs to feel whether something is rough or smooth.


  • 这种油漆附着任何粗糙光滑表面

    This paint will adhere to any surface, whether rough or smooth.


  • 计划粗糙

    The plan is yet in the rough.


  • 男孩坐在靠着树,在粗糙的木

    A boy was sitting under a tree, with his back against it, playing on a rough wooden pipe.


  • 粗糙草地更近些的地方,长满了闪闪发光的褐色长

    Nearer the rough grass, with its long, brownish stalks all agleam, was full of light.


  • 可以坐在粗糙矮墙上,一边一边听当天发生故事

    She could sit upon the low rough wall and look on and hear stories of the day.


  • 事发威舍正在机场朋友路上说:“粗糙鳞片很大。”

    "It was rough, with big scales," said Swisher, who was on her way to pick up her friend at the airport when it happened.


  • 事发威舍正在机场朋友路上说:“粗糙鳞片很大。”

    "It was rough, with big scales,'' said Swisher, who was on her way to pick up her friend at the airport when it happened.


  • 相比之下,干燥土壤沙质多孔的,粗糙质地允许了水分迅速流失

    By contrast, dry soils are sandy and porous, their coarse textures permitting water to drain rapidly.


  • 人类图像无论出现在哪里,都描画得很粗糙他们身体细长僵硬的。

    Wherever men appear they are crudely drawn and their bodies are elongated and rigid.


  • 但是橡树叶子又大反射力较强会产生参差不齐的声波所谓的“粗糙回声”。

    But an oak which has fewer but bigger leaves with stronger reflections, produces a jagged wave form, or what we called a rough echo.


  • 印象派画家倾向于把颜料涂得很厚重而且喜欢用笔触很粗画笔,所以画布纹理粗糙

    Impressionist painters tended to apply paint really thickly, and in big brush strokes, so the texture of the canvas was rough.


  • 这些蝙蝠能够区分两种声音,不仅仅通过树木回声而是通过任何平滑粗糙的回声。

    These bats can distinguish between the two, and not just with trees, but with any echo that comes in a smooth or rough shape.


  • 然而一个神圣和平之地可能粗糙的,人类明显需求不是动物明显的避难所需求。

    A sacred place of peace, however, crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter which is a distinctly animal need.


  • 我们可能会认为早期艺术作品粗糙的,西班牙法国南部洞穴壁画表现出了出众技巧

    We might expect that early artistic efforts would be crude, but the cave paintings of Spain and southern France show a marked degree of skill.


  • 虽然它们大部分鳞片已经消失但金枪鱼鲭鱼头部附近仍保留着粗糙鳞片,称为甲。

    Although most of their scales have been lost, tunas and mackerels retain a patch of coarse scales near the head called the corselet.


  • 他们会在清理粉刺软化粗糙皮肤牙齿闪闪发光时候,选择柠檬小苏打酸奶等日常用品。

    They turn to household staples like lemons, baking soda or yogurt when it's time to clear skin of acne, soften rough patches or keep teeth sparkling.


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