• 这个交互式菜单系统覆盖了系统管理大多数领域修改每个用户ID最大进程数量直到修改网络接口速度

    This interactive menu system goes into most areas of systems administration, from changing the maximum number of processes per user ID to changing the speed of a network interface.


  • 大多数系统管理工具要求参考进程不是线程

    Most system management tools still require you to refer to the process rather then the thread.


  • IBMSOA方法包括指南工具可以使用它来查看建模定义描述部署执行管理服务系统业务进程

    The IBM SOA approach includes both the guidance and tools that you need to envisage, model, define, describe, deploy, execute, and govern systems of services and business process.


  • 使用WPAR管理器重新部署WPAR时,将为所有进程设置检查点,然后目标系统中重新启动,从而应用程序或者WPAR用户产生最小影响

    When a WPAR is relocated using WPAR Manager, all processes are checkpointed and then restarted on the target system, with minimal impact on the application or WPAR user.


  • 本文将对进程内核方面进行深入研究,同时探讨有助于提高整个系统管理效率工具

    During this article, delve into more detail on the kernel aspects of a process and tools available to help you more effectively manage your overall system.


  • 由于每个应用程序服务器产生重复管理进程,因此可以有效地利用系统资源

    System resources are used more efficiently because administrative processes are not duplicated for each application server.


  • 逻辑文件系统负责管理内核打开文件每个进程的文件描述符信息

    The logical file system is also responsible for managing the kernel's open file table and the per process file descriptor information.


  • 已经学习了几个基本命令能够目录结构中移动、创建修改文件查看正在运行进程以及管理用户系统

    You've learned a few of the basic commands to help you maneuver through a directory structure, create and modify files, see what processes are running, and maybe even administer users and the system.


  • 本地系统PowerPack本地管理任务——Windows服务、本地用户以及进程管理——提供界面

    The local System PowerPack provides an interface for local administrative tasks such as management of Windows Services, local users and groups, and processes.


  • SRC管理进程划分比如与 NFS 相关的进程属于 rcnfs 组;然后按子系统划分,比如automountd 表示自动挂载器进程

    Processes that the SRC manages are broken into groups, such as rcnfs for NFS-related processes, and then into individual subsystems, such as automountd for automounter processes.


  • 工作负载管理系统判断theWebSphereApplicationServer服务区域起,发出了EC3 abend终止服务进程

    Workload management determined that the WebSphere Application Server servant region was hung and issued an EC3 abend to terminate the servant process.


  • 因此虽然对象名称正在向上迁移逻辑但是队列管理通道进程其他系统名称正在向下转移,更接近物理基础结构层。

    So while the object names are migrating up into the logical layer, the queue manager, channels, processes, and other system names are being driven down closer to the physical infrastructure layer.


  • 对于系统管理员来说重要任务之一检查正在运行的进程

    One of the most important duties of a system administrator is checking on running processes.


  • 一些类型计算环境今天会一直使用但是通常意义上一个提供了一系列虚拟机系统以及运行它们管理进程

    Several types of cloud computing environments are in use today, but in general, a cloud provides a library of virtual systems and a hypervisor on which to run them.


  • 例如排除故障执行日常检查时大多数UNIX管理首先事情之一查看系统当前正在运行进程

    For example, one of the first things most UNIX administrators do on their systems during troubleshooting or daily checks is look at processes running currently on the system.


  • UNIX系统管理而言进程管理激动人心工作相去甚远。

    Process management is far from the most exciting aspect of being a UNIX systems administrator.


  • 设计这个模块放在IIS进程运行带有管理权限系统帐户账户不能编程人员系统管理修改

    By design, the module lives in the IIS process and runs under the system account with administrative privileges. This account cannot be modified by developers and system administrators.


  • 防护模式进程作为单独系统实体创建的,以便将用户编写的防护模式代码数据库管理代理进程隔离开来。

    Fenced mode processes are created as separate system entities in order to isolate user-written fenced-mode code from the database manager agent process.


  • 尽管应用程序WPAR非常有限的,但它们一定存在的意义并且可以测试进程小型应用程序方面系统管理提供更好灵活性

    While application WPARs are certainly very limited, they do have a purpose and it can provide system administrators with even more flexibility in testing processes and small applications.


  • 很多应用程序假定操作系统提供内存管理功能进程调度功能。

    Many applications assume the memory management features, or process scheduling features, provided by the OS.


  • 系统管理可以使用SRC命令WPAR启动停止进程,和使用全局环境一样

    Your systems administrator can start and stop processes from the WPAR using the SRC or from the command line, just as they would from the global environment.


  • 处理器可以通过在访问未经映射的内存位置使用系统管理程序(主机内核)来支持内存转换进程

    The processor also supports the memory translation process by tapping into the hypervisor (host kernel) when an unmapped memory location is accessed.


  • SSI解决方案修改内核几乎所有部分进程管理文件系统内存 管理调度器等等通过不加修改地运行内核进程模拟器简化部署工作

    SSI solutions modify almost every area of kernel: process management, filesystem, memory management, scheduler, etc. Emulators simplify the deployment by letting the kernel processes run unchanged.


  • 管理用户磁盘空间进程设备备份可能许多系统管理绞尽脑汁,从而变得心情郁闷、甚至精神错乱

    Managing users, disk space, processes, devices, and backups can cause many system administrators to lose their hair, good humor, or sanity.


  • 管理员的一项重要任务跟踪系统运行进程管理它们

    The other important task of an administrator is to keep a track of the processes running on the system and manage them.


  • 如果无权访问运行进程用户用户,可能需要远程主机系统管理求助

    You may need to ask the systems administrator of the remote host for help if you don't have access or don't have access to the user running the process or the root user.


  • 每个客户操作系统都是主机操作系统(系统管理程序)一个单个进程

    Each guest operating system is a single process of the host operating system (or hypervisor).


  • 应用程序可以数据库管理系统(Database Management System,DBMS)引擎嵌入应用程序进程中,从而无需管理单独的数据库进程服务

    Applications can embed the database Management System (DBMS) engine in the application process, eliminating the need to manage a separate database process or service.


  • 服务控制管理器(SCMServices Control Manager)管理系统所有服务进程

    The services Control Manager (SCM) is the process that manages all the services in the system.


  • 技术允许系统管理创建一种利用多个节点(物理)集群(跨越物理资源应用程序进程)的部署拓扑

    This technology allows system administrators to create a deployment topology that leverages multiple nodes (physical machines) and clusters (application processes that span physical resources).


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