• 霓虹灯之香港就相当于红色电话亭之于伦敦,雾之于旧金山。

    Neon is to Hong Kong as red phone booths are to London and fog is to San Francisco.


  • 敦比上海更努力地保留老电话亭,因为红色电话亭是伦敦的一道特殊风景。

    London tried harder than Shanghai to keep the old phone booths alive because the red booths are a special scene in the city.


  • 伦敦关心它们,因为从20世纪30年代起,红色电话亭一直是伦敦的一个特殊场景当时它们都被漆成红色

    London cares about them even more, because the red booths have long been a special scene in London since the 1930s when they were painted all red.


  • 尽管红色电话亭近年来不断减少,但时常获评英国象征性建筑

    Despite their decline in Numbers in recent years, the red telephone box regularly tops polls as one of Britain's most iconic structures.


  • 这些年一直有个红色电话亭而且没有室外卫生间所以觉得可以两者合二为一

    "I've wanted a red telephone box for years and I didn't have an outside lavatory, so I thought I could combine the two."


  • 英语官方语言薯条随处可见,甚至打电话电话亭与伦敦的红色电话亭一个摸样。

    English is the official language, fish and chips can be found with ease, and phone calls can even be made from London-style red phone booths.


  • 这些年一直有个红色电话亭而且没有室外卫生间所以觉得可以两者合二为一

    I've wanted a red telephone box for years and I didn't have an outside lavatory, so I thought I could combine the two.


  • 这些年一直有个红色电话亭而且没有室外卫生间所以觉得可以两者合二为一

    'I've wanted a red telephone box for years and I didn't have an outside lavatory, so I thought I could combine the two.


  • :“坐便器另外一个路边红色电话亭坐在上面,心里默默祈祷千万别有人过来进精神病院。”

    "I took a pan to a red telephone kiosk down the road, sat on it, hoping and praying no one would come along and take me off to a nut house," he said.


  • 普普通通前台接待处后面扇门通往一个房间,里面只有一个红色电话亭,颇似《王牌大贱》里的道具

    Behind an ordinary reception area, a door opens to a small room with only a red phone booth that could have been a prop in an Austin Powers movie.


  • 电话亭颜色为“邮政”,英国邮政信箱的颜色相一致。 这些红色电话亭是英国的标志性形象,也是游客们争相留影的街头一景。

    Painted in "Post Office red" to match the post boxes, they were once a defining image of England and the backdrop to millions of tourist photographs。


  • Google美国大学校园机场内设立红色电话亭推广这项功能。这些电话亭可以在北美区域免费拨打电话,拨打北美区域的电话其他的收费便宜。

    Google is also going to promote the service by setting up red phone booths in US universities and airports, letting them make free calls inside North America, and cheaper ones outside it.


  • 对于许多英国人来说可以适用代表他们国家过去年代机构物品古老城堡辉煌的住宅红色电话亭

    For many British people, that can apply to institutions and objects that represent their country's past age old castles, splendid homes and red phone boxes.


  • 大堂摆放着红色英式电话亭,一个可以看到海景的豪华自助餐厅,侍应小姐拿着网球拍一样电子灭蚊器在来回走动。

    There's a bright red British phone booth in the lobby, a fancy buffet with an ocean view, and girls running around with big electric fly-swatters shaped like tennis rackets.


  • 大堂摆放着红色英式电话亭,一个可以看到海景的豪华自助餐厅,侍应小姐拿着网球拍一样电子灭蚊器在来回走动。

    There's a bright red British phone booth in the lobby, a fancy buffet with an ocean view, and girls running around with big electric fly-swatters shaped like tennis rackets.


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