• 代表步入世界舞台美国舞台一代人

    He is a new generation coming onto the world stage, onto the American stage.


  • 美国舞台设计师乔治·希平当代重要舞台设计师之一

    George Tsypin, an American of Russian descent, is one of the most important stage designers of our time.


  • 1963年克拉克到了好莱坞,《美国舞台》也跟随来到这里。

    Clark moved to Hollywood in 1963, and "American Bandstand" went with him.


  • 保罗·1957年美国舞台戴安娜》走上职业生涯之路。

    Paul Anka launched his career on American Bandstand in 1957 with the song "Diana."


  • 维什涅芙丝卡娅1960年首次登上美国舞台,同年录制了《蝴蝶夫人》的咏叹调

    Vishnevskaya made her American debut in 1960, the same year she recorded this aria for Madama Butterfly.


  • 流行音乐界每个美国舞台进行过表演,杰瑞··刘易斯杰克逊兄弟再到TalkingHeads

    Everyone who was anyone in the pop music business performed on Bandstand, from Jerry Lee Lewis and the Jackson Five to Prince and the Talking Heads.


  • 玛丽莲·梅森(原名布莱恩··华纳),美国知名歌手作为同名乐队主唱富有争议舞台表演而闻名。

    Marilyn Manson (Brian Hugh Warner) is an American Singer known for his controversial stage persona and image as the lead singer of the eponymous band, Marilyn Manson.


  • G20伦敦金融峰会上中国美国英国其他国家密切合作显示出,中国已经进入处理全球事务中心舞台

    During the G20 London Summit, the close cooperation between China, US, UK and other countries shows that China has come to the centre stage of addressing global issues.


  • 很多受欢迎艺人很害羞包括美国电视节目主持人约翰·卡大卫·雷德曼不过舞台面对镜头他们会很放松,巴杜

    Many popular entertainers, including American TV show hosts Johnny Carson and David Letterman, are shy but feel more at ease when they're on stage or on camera, Zimbardo says.


  • 对于衍生出续集舞台预算美国电影来说,1987年幸运一年

    The year 1987 was a good one for big budget American films of the kind that spawn sequels and stage shows.


  • 那种认为可能突然来个大转弯寻求作为美国一位朋友世界舞台所接受想法远非可能的。

    The idea that he could suddenly volte-face and seek to be accepted on the world stage as a friend of the U.S. is far from impossible.


  • 那种认为可能突然来个大转弯寻求作为美国一位朋友世界舞台所接受想法远非可能的。

    The idea that he could suddenly volte-face and seek to be accepted on the world stage as a friend of the U. S. is far from impossible.


  • 因此尽管航天飞机作为美国人潜心探索太空标志,退出历史舞台但艰难征程又将重新开始。

    So, although the shuttle—which has been the icon of America’s space effort for a generationwill be missed, harder heads will be glad to see the decks cleared.


  • 发生国家舞台一幕赶上美国古老民权组织全国有色人种协进会(NAACP)的百年会议

    The story broke on the national stage just in time for the centennial conference of the oldest us civil rights organisation, the national Association for the Advancement of Colored People.


  • 充满活力新兴大国全球舞台大展身手,主要是美国日本德国

    Vigorous new forces were flexing their muscles on the global stage, notably America, Japan and Germany.


  • 无论如何,我们可以清楚地看到美国为什么接受那种世界多极化言论——全球舞台其它重要参与者置于平等地位。

    In any case, it is clear why the US does not embrace the rhetoric of a multipolar world that would place it on an equal footing with other important world actors.


  • 他们认为美国有资格并且命中注定要世界舞台扮演一个卓越的正派角色

    They also imply that the United States is both destined and entitled to play a distinct and positive role on the world stage.


  • 因为新的对手,一个强大国家,正在出现,正在美国面前走来,她开天辟地一回进入世界舞台

    For the first time since it entered the world stage, the United States is facing the emergence of a new great power rival.


  • 金融时报首席外事评论员拉赫曼美国世界舞台的“单级时刻已经结束了

    Rachman, chief foreign affairs commentator for the Financial Times, says America's "unipolar moment" on the world's stage has passed.


  • 首先我们可以容易地回答第二问题因为美国最近几十年才逐渐走上历史舞台的。

    We can answer the second question first, and quite easily, because America's global preeminence is a relatively recent phenomenon.


  • 果真如此,可能美国公认会计准则退出舞台铺平道路,而该准则正是美国财务报告体系基础

    If that were to happen it could potentially pave the way for the abandonment of U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, the foundation of the U.S. financial reporting system.


  • 美国第一台蒸汽机车于1830年登上历史舞台此后二十年里,铁轨美国东部海岸许多城市连接了起来。

    America's first steam locomotive made its debut in 1830, and over the next two decades railroad tracks linked many cities on the East Coast.


  • 奥巴马第一正式世界舞台代表美国

    For the first time, Barack Obama will officially represent the United States on the world stage.


  • 果真如此,可能美国公认会计准则退出舞台铺平道路,而该准则正是美国财务报告体系基础

    If that were to happen it could potentially pave the way for the abandonment of U. S. generally accepted accounting principles, the foundation of the U. S. financial reporting system.


  • 毕竟这场危机源于美国美国专注国内纷扰,而世界舞台让给其它强国。

    After all, the crisis originated in the us and left American policy focused on its domestic troubles, opening up room for global leadership by others.


  • 毕竟这场危机源于美国美国专注国内纷扰,而世界舞台让给其它强国。

    After all, the crisis originated in the us and left American policy focused on its domestic troubles, opening up room for global leadership by others.


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