• 作为回报Yahoo得到什么呢?

    And what did Yahoo get in return?


  • 作为回报可以得到其他人的软件,对你很有价值

    In return you get software you may find valuable.


  • 经常一包衣服作为回报,她也常常收到鲜花

    She often gave him a bundle of new clothes.. In return, she would receive a bunch of flowers.


  • 购买商品作为回报贷款形式资金返还你。

    You buy my goods and, in return, I give you the money back in the form of a loan.


  • 经常一包衣服作为回报,她也常常收到鲜花

    She often gave him a bundle of new clothes... In return, she would receive a bunch of flowers.


  • 作为回报妻子责任就是养育孩子,照理家务取悦男人

    In return, it was the wife's responsibility to raise the children, run the household and please the man.


  • 作为回报这些创业者所要就是充分发挥自己的智慧努力工作这个美丽的园区长期生活下来

    All the entrepreneurs have to do, in return, is commit to working hard and live in one of the most beautiful places on this planet.


  • 2002年,AOLGoogle作为搜索引擎作为回报Google同意每年至少支付一亿五千万美元时,桑德伯格从旁监督一安排

    In 2002, when AOL made Google its search engine, in return for which Google agreed to pay at least a hundred and fifty million dollars annually, Sandberg helped oversee the arrangement.


  • 标准远程技术支持协议相比,高级支持(Premium Support)提供了一种更加主动个性化帮助作为回报,您需要为此付出额外的费用

    Premium Support offers a more proactive and personalized assistance beyond what is typically provided by the standard Remote Technical Support agreement, in return for an additional fee.


  • 将EA作为资产衡量——提供服务需要的代价什么通过交付业务能力能够从中得到什么回报

    Measure ea as an asset - what does it cost to provide the service and what return does the business get from the business capabilities delivered?


  • 作为回报赢得了一个承诺就是银行其他债权人——不仅仅是纳税人——必须承担部分责任

    In return, she won a commitment that Banks and other creditors? And not just taxpayers? Would have to bear some of the burden.


  • 作为回报赢得了一个承诺就是银行其他债权人——不仅仅是纳税人——必须承担部分责任

    In return, she won a commitment that Banks and other creditors-and not just taxpayers-would have to bear some of the burden.


  • 保守主义者其他回报作为一家稳健的小国经营的银行能够支付没有竞争力利率保持吸收存款

    Conservatism has other rewards, too: being a big, safe-sounding bank in small countries has allowed it to pay uncompetitive interest rates and still keep pulling in deposits.


  • 作为回报该州保健环境部不能任何有关温室气体排放的规定强加公司,华盛顿方面对二氧化碳排放的限制却相当严厉

    In return, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment cannot impose any greenhouse-gas regulations that are tougher than those emerging from Washington. Suddenly, that seems a pretty high bar.


  • 纳贡土地所有权英格兰苏格兰城镇国王贵族付一定的提供服务作为回报获得土地所有权

    A tenure in England and Scotland under which property of the king or a Lord in a town was held in return for a yearly rent or the rendering of a service.


  • 作为回报这个男生允许公司手上奔驰标志赞助-F1赛车广告一样。

    In return, the schoolboy said he would let the company sponsor the hand by putting the Mercedes logo on it - just like the adverts on F1 cars.


  • 帕特森后来利用专栏推广兰德作品兰德会把帕特森的作品推荐熟人作为回报

    Paterson would later use her column to promote Rand's work, and Rand would reciprocate by recommending Paterson's books to her own acquaintances.


  • 一点尤其是作为实习生时候记住,因为这个时期你最大回报可能是积累经验结交朋友,不是挣钱

    This is certainly something to keep in mind if you are or have worked as an intern where the big payoff is more likely to be in experience gained and contacts made than in money earned.


  • 作为勇敢探险的丰厚回报,进入该地的人得到了无数发现

    But the intrepid are richly rewarded with new discoveries.


  • 自由从来不作为礼物给予国家的,只是国家自己勇敢努力争取一种回报

    Freedom never yet was given to nations as a gift, but only as reward, bravely earned by one's own exertions.


  • 请求你们件事情,来作为我们你们做的一切的回报,那就是:每当未来出现危险时,把大胆明智地采取行动这份勇气决心传递你们的孩子。

    I ask only one thing of you in return for what we have done on your behalf: pass on to your children the courage and resolve to act boldly and wisely whenever the future is at risk.


  • 购买者通常支付这笔回扣没有什么真正回报因为除了得到一个住房梦想作为交换外,花去了成千上万的费用。

    Buyers generally pay this and nothing is given really in return for the thousands and thousands spent other than that you receive a dream for your home in exchange.


  • 最高潜在回报百分比作为说明用途列出,其并非到期时eli持有人收到回报保证指示

    The maximum potential return percentage is inserted for illustration purposes only and is not an assurance or indication that the ELI holder will receive such return at maturity.


  • 农奴地主提供劳力农产品地主作为回报,则对他们提供保护

    Serfs would provide their Lord with Labour and produce and in exchange he would protect them.


  • 本来生活现实却给了巴掌作为回报,我能么?

    I wanted to make life a kiss, reality gave me two slap, you say in return, I can not he a tread the feet?


  • 期待球队里面提拔号门将作为他的坚定不移忠心回报,向库迪奇尼提供份工作让他在希尔·维诺。路洛旁边指导一众守门员年轻球员吧。

    I would be looking to promote from within for the number two slot, and as a reward for unswerving loyalty offer Cudicini a job alongside Silvinho Lauro coaching the keepers and the youngsters.


  • 中国体育媒体往往足球作为其最重要组成部分人们对于足球的热度也给国内体育传媒带去了丰厚的回报

    The Chinese sports media also treat the news of football as a crucial part and the popularity of football has really brought them with great return.


  • 中国体育媒体往往足球作为其最重要组成部分人们对于足球的热度也给国内体育传媒带去了丰厚的回报

    The Chinese sports media also treat the news of football as a crucial part and the popularity of football has really brought them with great return.


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