• 实用新型的目的提供一种结构简单弹性回复能力疲劳压力锅弹性支撑装置

    The utility model aims to provide an elastic supporting device for an electric pressure cooking saucepan with simple structure, good elastic resilience and fatigue resistance.


  • 疲劳强度特性过滤材料使用期间非常重要一项性能。

    The fatigue strength property is very important in the application period for filtration material.


  • 研究预处理纤维用量乙炔炭黑填充甲基乙烯基硅橡胶(VMQ)/EPDM硫化胶拉伸撕裂屈挠疲劳导电性能影响

    The influence of the level of the pretreated short fibre on tensile strength, tear strength, flex fatigue and conductivity of the acetylene black filled VMQ/EPDM blend vulcanizate was studied.


  • 介绍过滤材料疲劳特性测试实例试验方法耐疲劳强度特性过滤材料的使用期间非常重要一项性能。

    The actual illustration and testing method of fatigue property of filtration material were presented. The fatigue strength property is very important in the application period for filtration material.


  • 目的人参陈皮及其配伍小鼠游泳时间的影响(疲劳实验)。

    Objective: To observe ginseng, citrus and their compound effecting the small mice swimming time (anti fatigue experiment).


  • 结果表明氯化聚乙烯橡胶并用制造出性能良好具有优良的弯曲疲劳伸长率小的V带。

    The results have shown that the blend of CPE with rubber can be used to manufacture "V"-belt having excellent bending and fatigue resistance and low elongation.


  • 本文叙述环氧沥青混凝土配制原理技术关键及其强度温度稳定性疲劳等方面的优良特性

    This paper describes the principles and technologic keys of compounding the epoxy asphalt concrete and its properties in strength, temperature stability and resistance of fatigue.


  • 目的观察复方中药功能受试小鼠疲劳缺氧作用。

    Objective: To observe the anti - fatigue and anti - hypoxia effects of the functional liquid of Chinese traditional medicine, some experiments were done in mice.


  • 方法根据卫生部保健食品的功能学评价程序检验方法》中疲劳缺氧作用的检验方法进行实验研究。

    Methods: Anti- fatigue and anti- hypoxia of mice were assayed ac- cording to test methods in"Functional assessment procedure and test methods of health food" which is provided by MOH.


  • 界面良好粘接使铝合金复合材料形变相协调,能够很好的提高铝合金内衬复合材料高压容器的耐疲劳性能

    The good interface bonding can make the aluminum alloy liner and composites deform consistently and it can also improve the anti-fatigue performance of the composites vessels.


  • 材料不仅具有油性,高温性、疲劳性和抗永久变形性方面大幅度的提高

    The new material is not only oil resistant, but also has fairly great improvement in performance of high temperature resistance, fatigue resistance and permanent deformation resistance.


  • 观察药组小鼠疲劳能力缺氧能力。

    To observe the hypoxia tolerance test and fatigue tolerance test of mice given CTCC.


  • 连接集中了胶接连续密封性能耐疲劳性能铆接的抗剥离性能。

    Bond-riveted joint gathers the continuous sealing and anti-fatigue properties of adhesion and the anti-peeling properties of riveting.


  • 结果表明硼铜铸铁具有麿性、疲劳更好综合性能

    The results show that the B-Cu vermicular cast iron has high resistances to wear and thermal fatigue, and it possesses better comprehensive performance and lower production cost.


  • 界面良好的粘接使铝合金复合材料形变相协调,能够好的提高铝合金内衬复合材料高压容器耐疲劳性能

    The aluminum alloy and composites have different deformation ratio, so the anti-fatigue performance of aluminum alloy liners is very poor.


  • 首先PP发泡材料成本低,韧性刚性疲劳环境应力开裂性等性能都很好

    Firstly, PP foam has low cost, high elasticity, rigidity. It is durable and performs well under environmental pressure.


  • 介绍了筒式粘弹性阻尼老化性能试验疲劳性能试验,试验结果表明具有良好的老化性能,在风或地震下阻尼器具较好的耐疲劳性能。

    The dynamic property tests of the aged circular tube VE dampers were also introduced, and the conclusion is drawn that the circular tube VE damper has good aging property.


  • 研究胎盘口服液动物免疫功能消化功能、机体疲劳缺氧能力外周血影响

    The effects of Oral Placenta-hydrolyzed Liquid on immunologic function, digestive function, fatigue tolerance, hypoxia tolerance and peripheral blood features were studied in this article.


  • 脂褐质LF含量小鼠应激能力疲劳缺氧实验小鼠腹腔噬细胞吞噬功能测定

    The content of lipofuscin(LF) estimated for brain and heart of mice. The stress power was observed. The ability of anti tired and tolerance hypoxia and phago-function of macrophage were estimated.


  • 结论党参超微饮片具有显著疲劳缺氧作用。

    Conclusion: Codonopsis Ultramicro has significant anti-fatigue and hypoxia tolerance.


  • 所得复合具有良好的透明性导电性、环境稳定性耐疲劳性能。

    These composite films possess excellent transparency, electroconductivity, air-stability and fatigue-resistance.


  • 众多有机变色化合物中,二基乙烯特别是噻吩乙烯,由于其具有良好稳定性优良的疲劳度而成为类化合物的杰出代表。

    In particular, diarylethenes have become the promising candidates of photo- chromic compounds because of the excellent thermal stability of both isomers and resistance to high fatigue.


  • 硬质沥青具有良好的路用性能,在常温状态下还具有常见基质沥青好的力学性能疲劳性能性。

    Hard asphalt mixture have well pavement performace, and have better mechanical performance fatigue resistance and water damage resistance.


  • 为了实现汽车车灯中材料连接使其满足可靠性疲劳性能优异等要求,采用精密电阻点焊方法。

    In order to obtain joints with high reliability, excellent performance of heat resistance and fatigue resistance, precise resistance spot welding is used to join Tungsten and Molybdenum wire.


  • 骨架材料满足轮胎所需疲劳冲击变形等性能要求;

    The framework materials must satisfy with fatigue resistance, resistance to impact, resistance to deformation for tires.


  • 本文介绍碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)斜拉索具有腐蚀疲劳、轻质高强优点以及碳纤维斜拉索的构成和性能

    This paper describes the material characteristic of CFRP cables. Mechanical properties such as corruption resistance, fatigue resistance, light weight, high strength are investigated.


  • 组合物具有疲劳缺氧的保作用

    The compound has the health-care functions of anti-fatigue and oxygen-poor resistance.


  • 摘要结构连接汽车制造可以起到辅助车身增强作用,可有效提高车身刚度碰撞安全性以及疲劳性。

    Abstract: Structural adhesive, as a key joining technology in modern car body, can play a significant role in body enhancement including stiffness, crash safety, and fatigue resistance improvement.


  • 本发明公开一种具有断裂强度耐疲劳性且容易制造环形金属线和环形金属带,以及该环形金属线制造方法

    Provided is an annular metal cord and an endless metal belt which have an excellent rupture strength and which can be easily manufactured, and a method for manufacturing the annular metal cord.


  • 本发明公开一种具有断裂强度耐疲劳性且容易制造环形金属线和环形金属带,以及该环形金属线制造方法

    Provided is an annular metal cord and an endless metal belt which have an excellent rupture strength and which can be easily manufactured, and a method for manufacturing the annular metal cord.


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