S. commercial firms build spaceships capable of carrying humans, America plans to pay Russia to ferry U. S. astronauts to space on board Soyuz spacecraft.
HOUSTON — NASA astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson and Russian cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Mikhail Kornienko safely launched to the International space Station aboard a Soyuz spacecraft on Friday.
For now, Soyuz are the only commercially available human spacecraft currently in operation.
联盟号TMA - 13宇宙飞船今年10月12日将从哈萨克斯坦升空飞行到国际空间站,届时加略特会是其中一员。
When the Soyuz TMA-13 spacecraft blasts off from Kazakhstan on October 12 and travels to the International space Station, Garriott will be on board. The Soyuz can accommodate three people.
In this contract modification, space station crew members will launch on four Soyuz vehicles in 2013 and return on two vehicles in 2013 and two in 2014.
However, the research vessel will expand to a 6-member crew on 4th, April, after 3 others arrive on board the Soyuz space craft.
Russia's Mission Conrol said the Soyuz space capsule landed in Northern Kazakhstan as planned.
Until U. S. commercial firms build spaceships capable of carrying humans, America plans to pay Russia to ferry U. S. astronauts to space on board Soyuz spacecraft.
Until U. S. commercial firms build spaceships capable of carrying humans, America plans to pay Russia to ferry U. S. astronauts to space on board Soyuz spacecraft.