The days of high acquisition multiple by equity funds in our industry are over.
WITH money pouring into private equity at a dizzying rate, it is hard to wipe the smiles off the faces of its practitioners.
Around a third of all hedge funds own it, including big names like SAC Capital and Greenlight.
News reports said that America's Department of Justice (DoJ) had launched an inquiry into possible collusion among bidders in private-equity deals.
Questions like what exactly is private equity or investment banking have been answered by complete strangers who sat next to me at dinner or lunch.
The most dramatic effects will probably be felt on capital-markets activities, especially in over-the-counter derivatives and in running hedge and private equity funds.
Limited partnership in which private equity funds for the production of the most popular forms of organization, the United States more than 80%of private equity funds have been taken this form.
To comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), however, KKR believes that it must consolidate the majority of its funds (including all of its private equity funds).
The packaging business said in its reply to the ASX that the market may have been speculating that Amcor is considering an equity raising to partially fund the possible acquisition.
Like the club deals that propelled private equity up the buying ladder, pooling resources means that bigger targets can come into play (no small consideration when credit has become more expensive).
“They retreated because of conflicts, and they are returning despite those conflicts still being present,” says an executive at one private-equity firm.
"They retreated because of conflicts, and they are returning despite those conflicts still being present," says an executive at one private-equity firm.
For the ten years ended June 30, 2005, it returned 9.9% per year and then the average return for the actively managed equity fund was 9.6% per year, so we're back to that thirty basis points.
On the one hand, high past returns are an indicator of low future returns: that has certainly proved true for those who bought equity mutual funds at the turn of the decade.
Moreover, it has been generating founder liquidity by selling off small management companies stakes to sovereign wealth funds.
So funds are reluctant "to cheese off management too much" by complaining about corporate governance, says Mr Mukherjea.
Another rationale for the move into alternative assets (as hedge funds and private equity are known) is that returns are uncorrelated with those on other assets.
This year, private-equity titans and hedge-fund wizards got caught in the headlights when it became public that they were paying just 15 percent in federal tax on their gargantuan payouts.
There were seventeen categories of equity mutual funds and they compared the dollar-weighted to the time-weighted returns.
某私企老板George Kappaz最近委托clearspire做一项复杂的业务(给他的一家基金公司Astrata构建股权)。
George Kappaz is a private-equity boss who recently gave a complex job to Clearspire (structuring an equity package for Astrata, one his fund's firms).
社会学家William Domhoff表示,99%的人仅榨油38%的企业股权,40%的金融债券,62%的股票和基金。
Sociologist William Domhoff reports that the 99 percent hold just 38 percent of equity in businesses, 40 percent of financial securities, and 62 percent of stocks and mutual funds.
Fears for the future of Britain's Aston Martin car brand were heightened after the Kuwaiti sovereign wealth fund that owns half of the luxury carmaker admitted it was struggling to refinance its debt.
This is a nexus of private-equity and hedge funds, money-market funds and auction-rate securities, non-banks such as GE Capital and new securities such as CDOs and credit-default swaps.
Yandex主要的内部股东包括俄罗斯私募股权公司BaringVostok (IPO前持股24.17%)和美国对冲基金TigerGlobal(持股2.76%)。
Major inside shareholders include Russian private equity firm Baring Vostok (24.17% pre-IPO stake) and U.S. hedge fund Tiger Global (2.76%).
We have witnessed financial services (think asset management, hedge funds, buyout funds, private equity, and venture capital) grow as a percentage of GNP for the past thirty years.
We have witnessed financial services (think asset management, hedge funds, buyout funds, private equity, and venture capital) grow as a percentage of GNP for the past thirty years.