• 合理控制能源消费总量

    Reasonable control energy consumption.


  • 合理控制能源消费总量,抑制高耗能产业过快增长提高能源利用效率

    We will keep a reasonable control on the total energy consumption, increase efficiency, and bring down the excessive growth on high energy intensity industries.


  • 现阶段城市化因素山东省能源消费总量贡献份额尚比较逐年下降趋势

    At the present stage, the contribution of urbanization to the energy consumption is small, and its trend is decreasing.


  • 1993年以来,内蒙古原煤消费能源消费总量的比重一直保持在90%左右。

    Since 1993, the share of raw coal in Inner Mongolia′s total energy consumption has remained around 90%.


  • 我国初级能源消费总量中,煤炭70%,高于世界平均水平(27.1%)。

    Coal accounts for approximately 70% of the total primary energy consumption in China, which is greatly higher than the global average level (27.1%).


  • 生物质能世界能源消费总量中约占15%,仅次于煤炭石油天然气,居于第4位。

    In the world energy consumption, biomass energy has the total amount of about 15% which is Number 4, second only to the coal, petroleum and natural gas.


  • 目前中国能源种类比较单一绝大多数依靠煤炭,这一比例大约能源消费总量69%。

    But the energy type of China is quite unitary now. The coal occupies quite majority of the energy. Its proportion probably occupies 69 percent of the total energy consumption.


  • 逐步减少交通运输领域石油能源产品使用量减少能源消费总量二氧化碳排放量十分重要

    Gradually reducing the use of petroleum products in the traffic and transportation sector is very important to reducing overall energy consumption and the emission of carbon dioxide.


  • 一下算术题就会发现,这5PC200台客户机能源消费总量200台常规电脑的要的得

    Doing the math, you'll find that the total energy consumption of the five PCs and 200 thin clients is much, much less than the energy used by 200 regular PCs.


  • 完成2020年我国化石能源能源消费总量比例达到15%目标任务非常艰巨

    China's objective is to raise the share of non-fossil energy in its energy mix to 15% by 2020. This objective is very difficult to achieve.


  • 能源消费对于经济增长影响非常显著并且能源消费总量变动短期GDP的影响要大于长期的影响。

    The impact of energy consumption to economic growth is very significant, and the change impact for the total energy consumption in the short-term on the GDP is greater than the long-term.


  • 热水系统花费在年度家用能源消费总量占了15%25%。” 斯帝夫·科普(SteveKoep),马拉松热水器地区销售经理

    Water heating makes up anywhere from 15 to 25 percent of the annual energy usage in a home, ” says Steve Koep, a regional sales manager for Marathon water heaters.


  • 重工业为主推动能源消费激增迫使中国加大了对煤炭依赖,煤炭占能源需求总量将近70%。

    This sudden surge in energy consumption, driven mainly by heavy industry, forced China to increase its reliance on coal to almost 70 percent of its energy needs.


  • 2006年,城市人口世界人口50%,这些城市人口却消费掉了能源消费量的三分之二,并排放出二氧化碳,占能源消耗相关的二氧化碳排放总量的70%以上

    In 2006, about 50% of the world's population was urban, but they consumed two-thirds of the total energy used and emitted more than 70% of the energy-related carbon dioxide emissions.


  • 海口市郊四个乡村农户随机调查发现农村能源消费薪柴燃料总量比例都大于50%,农户年均收入较高的村,薪柴占的比例较低。

    In the investigation of energy consumption of rural families in four villages in the suburb of Haikou city, it was found that firewood accounted for more than 50% of the total energy consumption.


  • 这种情况下,2010年至2050年间,全球能源消费导致的二氧化碳排放总量累计达到12000亿剩下约4000亿吨的指标用于能源消费导致的温室气体排放。

    In this scenario, cumulative energy-related carbon dioxide emissions between 2010 and 2050 would total about 1, 200bn tons, leaving about 400bn tons for non-energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 家庭能源消费总量结构归根到底每一个居民选择结果

    The overall amount and structure of domestic energy consumption is the result of every residents' selection behavior.


  • 这些能源密切相关高耗能产业快速增长使20032007年5年间中国能源消费总量接近双位数增长。

    These high-energy is closely related to the rapid growth of energy-consuming industries, so that from 2003 to 2007 5 years, China's energy consumption in total close to double-digit growth.


  • 中国煤炭产量消费均居世界首位国内一次能源生产消费总量的85%左右。

    Our country coal resources are very abundance. Coal output and consumption occupy first place in the world, which occupying about 85% in the internal primary energy produces and consumption.


  • 中国煤炭产量消费均居世界首位国内一次能源生产消费总量的85%左右。

    Our country coal resources are very abundance. Coal output and consumption occupy first place in the world, which occupying about 85% in the internal primary energy produces and consumption.


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