随着仔猪日粮中全脂米糠和脱脂米糠的添加水平越来越高BUN的浓度线性降低(P < 0.05)。
The concentration of BUN linearly decreased (P< 0.05) when pigs were fed diets containing increasing levels of FFRB or DFRB.
Methods of extraction of phytic acid by microwave assist and ion exchange resin from degreasing rice bran are described, and the optimum condition of the method is discussed in this paper.
The rice bran proteins and fibre dregs extracted from the defatted rice bran achieved a fairly good result when used as protein intensifier and cellulose intensifier in bakery foods.
A production line for refining rice bran salad oil was established by the use of the domestic final designing equipments and special dewaxing and defat equipments designed by us.
A production line for refining rice bran salad oil was established by the use of the domestic final designing equipments and special dewaxing and defat equipments designed by us.