• 专家发现自杀企图数目开始治疗年间增多,(虽然这个增多的数目并不显著)。

    Experts found the number of suicide attempts increased between about one and three years before the start of the treatment, though that increase was not statistically significant.


  • 研究人员指出性成熟较早女孩自尊心易于受到伤害,更易于抑郁症,更可能厌食问题自杀企图

    Researchers also noted that earlier maturation of girls is associated with lower self-esteem, and greater rates of depression, eating problems and suicide attempts.


  • 女孩发育越早就容易变得忧郁容易违法好斗孤僻失眠喝酒抽烟、滥用药物、缺乏自尊自杀企图

    Girls maturing earlier are more likely to become depressed, delinquent, aggressive, socially withdrawn, suffer sleep problems drinking, smoking, drug abuse, lower self-esteem and suicide attempts.


  • 至于未来是否还会产生自杀企图不假思索地否定说:“贵了,”她说, “上次住院急诊就花了13900。”

    As for the likelihood of future suicide attempts, she dismisses it out of hand: “It is too expensive,” she says. “The hospitalization and urgent care cost us 13 900 yuan last time.”


  • 使死亡看起来像是自杀企图以此掩盖自己罪行

    He had attempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide.


  • 好几企图自杀

    He had attempted to kill himself on several occasions.


  • 虽然有些自伤人企图自杀通常由于情绪问题痛苦背后反映出来的愿望是自我伤害,而不是切割本身

    Although some people who cut do attempt suicide, it's usually because of the emotional problems and pain that lie behind their desire to self-harm, not the cutting itself.


  • 这项回顾显示4%服用抗抑郁剂的儿童青少年考虑企图自杀(尽管没有自杀发生),而服用安慰剂的控制组仅2%。

    The review revealed that 4% of those taking antidepressants thought about or attempted suicide (although no suicides occurred), compared to 2% of those receiving placebos.


  • 但是一旦这些个体想到自杀性抑郁并不明显预测是否他们制定自杀计划企图自杀

    But once these individuals were thinking about suicide, a major depression did not significantly predict whether they would make a suicidal plan or attempt suicide.


  • 自杀毒丸风险很高的毒丸策略可能会挫败潜在收购者企图会使收购目标面临严峻财务压力

    A suicide pill is a term for any high-risk poison pill strategy that may discourage a potential acquirer but also place the takeover target under severe financial pressure.


  • 重度痤疮可不仅仅是一种简单疾病,”AndersSundstrom同事写到,“已经企图自杀风险增加联系了起来”。

    "Severe acne is not a trivial condition," wrote Anders Sundstrom and colleagues. "it is associated with an increased risk of attempted suicide."


  • 指导意见草案声明辅助自杀方面并不可以替代有关法律规定,最近有些企图结束自身生命病人试图使该项法律得到通过

    The draft advice states that it should not be seen as a substitute for the guidance on the law on assisted suicide that patients seeking to end their lives have recently tried to obtain.


  • 向前自杀后,富士康深圳两个工业园区(也就是富士康员工生活工作地方),接连发生12自杀企图自杀事件,一共

    Since Mr.Ma's death, there have been 12 other suicides or suicide attemptseight men and four women — on two Foxconn campuses in Shenzhen, where employees live and work.


  • 一份随访研究报告中,同事们山东省汶上兖州嘉祥县240企图自杀作了分析。

    In a study that included follow-up interviews, su and his colleagues looked at 240 cases of attempted suicide in counties including Wenshang, Yanzhou and Jiaxiang in Shandong province.


  • 饮食失调困扰的青少年中,超过一半抑郁症焦虑症其他心理障碍。其中相当一部分人表示自杀念头企图自杀

    More than half the affected teens had depression, anxiety or some other mental disorder. Sizeable Numbers also reported suicide thoughts or attempts.


  • 恶名远播后,Manu在一家小店内被认出店主枪杀Nadine企图自杀前被警察逮捕

    Eventually Manu is recognised in a shop and shot by its owner, while Nadine is arrested by the police before she can carry out an attempt to kill herself.


  • 法国第一位女宇航员克洛迪·艾涅尔(日前巴黎家中服下大量药物企图自杀随后被紧急送往医院接受救治。

    The first French woman in space, Claudie Haignere(see photo), was hospitalized recently after attempting suicide by swallowing pills at her Paris home.


  • 那些检查问题比没有问题的人有自杀想法或者计划自杀几率倍。有的人已经企图自杀过。

    People who reported that problem were twice as likely to have had suicidal thoughts or planned a suicide and were nearly three times more likely to have tried to kill themselves.


  • 企图自杀后,进医院。然后去见了治疗师接着一位“瑜伽专家”了个瑜伽课程…各种可以忘记过去找回生活感觉的事物

    After my attempt I was sent on holiday, then to a therapist, then on a yoga course with a 'yoga specialist', all kinds of things to make me forget and get the taste for life back.


  • 知道一个最近病例这个病例中,有人多次扬言要自杀,但没有这个绝望中,他自杀企图最终成功了。

    I know of a recent case in which someone repeatedly threatened suicide, no one would listen and the individual, in despair, succeeded in their suicide attempt.


  • 知道一个最近病例这个病例中,有人多次扬言要自杀,但没有这个绝望中,他自杀企图最终成功了。

    I know of a recent case in which someone repeatedly threatened suicide, no one would listen and the individual, in despair, succeeded in their suicide attempt.


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