Meanwhile, Rupert Murdoch and his son James have agreed to answer questions from British members of parliament next week, after initially refusing to do so.
That's the problem lawmakers are wrestling with amid hearings and federal investigations of the Upper Big Branch mine blast in West Virginia and the BP oil rig collapse in the Gulf of Mexico.
However, in some parts of the UK, legislators are taking an interest.
McCain was in Britain Thursday as part of a congressional trip to Europe and the Middle East.
In SOME respects electioneering in Sudan would be instantly recognisable to the thousands of would-be MPs who set off on the campaign trail this week in Britain.
Only 13 of the 570 MPs who voted in the Commons on Monday opposed Britain's military action in Libya.
MPs and senior BBC executives have rightly had their pay packages exposed to public scrutiny but bankers also enjoy a taxpayer guarantee.
Next month Britain will have its first referendum for years (on whether to change its voting system), and there is talk of voter recalls for aberrant MPs.
British prime minister Gordon Brown made this very error last week during prime Minster's Questions, a weekly session where members of Parliament can question the prime minister.
Evidence on phone hacking given to MPs by News International chairman James Murdoch has been called into question by two former executives at the firm.
It was used to describe members of Congress who declared war on Britain in 1812.
The British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned MPs that it would be a mistake to vote for a referendum on membership of the European Union in parliament shortly.
He was at one point a member of Parliament and became a Fellow of the Royal Society.
制动先生之一,谁的国会议员提出的议案说, “在英国,我们有一个传统,争取我们的自由。
Mr. Brake , one of the MPs who raised the motion, said , "In Britain, we have a tradition of fighting for our freedom."
It was used to describe members of Congress who declared war on Britain in eighteen twelve.
S. lawmakers set to question BP chief Tony Hayward say they have "serious questions" about documents that indicate BP took risks to cut costs in digging the well.
S. lawmakers set to question BP chief Tony Hayward say they have "serious questions" about documents that indicate BP took risks to cut costs in digging the well.