App Engine basically recreated the App Store on the web - including Apple's layout.
The Android Market pales in comparison to Apple's app Store based on number of apps, but that doesn't mean the quality of apps available to Android users aren't up to snuff.
The Web site initially offered about 3, 000 applications, well below the 75, 000 that Apple says are now available for its iPhone, but Samsung expects the number to grow rapidly.
苹果的App商店以其提供数以千记的应用软件拓展而闻名,有些是免费 的,它们可以让使用者自己检查身体状况,美化手机,玩游戏等等。
The Apple App Store is famous for offering hundreds of thousands of apps, many for free, that allow users to track their health, paint on their phones, play games, and much more. Cost: $299
There's also no shortage of pirated iPhone applications available online for free, undercutting Apple's abilities to generate revenues from its iTunes store.
IOS is a goldmine for Apple; the App Store, iAds, iBooks - it all adds up to a locked-down moneymaking machine.
Apple has sold millions of iPhone applications through the iTunes store.
A year later, Apple opened the app Store, letting users expand their iPhone's capabilities by downloading third-party apps.
Apple has removed hundreds of apps from the iTunes app Store that secretly collected personal information from anyone who downloaded them.
Having always been interested in technology and computers, he started developing apps when he was 12, around the same time Apple's app store went live.
很快你就可以让游戏控制器与你的iPhone相连,鉴于苹果公司的应用软件商店App Store颇受游戏开发商欢迎,专门购买一个游戏设备的主要理由将不复存在。
Soon you will be able to connect game controllers to your iPhone that — given the popularity of Apple's App Store with game developers — will undercut the main reason to buy a dedicated games device.
Some analysts estimate that the App Store generates as much as $1 billion a year in revenue for Apple and its developers, and a larger device is likely to expand that pie.
Some analysts estimate that the App Store generates as much as $1 billion a year in revenue for Apple and its developers, and a larger device is likely to expand that pie.