Get your high-fives ready, Apple fans, because we've got some nice hardware news for you today.
I guess it's really hard to ask excited Apple fans not to untie their pocket strings!
Fruit and Vegetable Fiber, Corn Powder, Apple Power, Fructose, Citrus Pectin, Fructooligosaccharides, Aloe Vera.
His friends and Apple fans aboard Wednesday night mourned the passing of a tech titan.
They say the stores are merely clubhouses catering to Apple fans' blind loyalty to the company.
The latter factor is likely to change as the novelty of an ad from Apple wears off, even among Apple fans.
Chinese Apple fans complain that the company's local app store has too few China-specific apps on offer.
Not only is the antenna problem solved, it bestows upon those bleeding-edge Apple fans an immediate Michael Jackson swagger.
The Oct. 5 death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs elicited a rare outpouring of grief among Chinese fans.
Xiao Menggui, a fan of Apple products, said that she would buy such products for commemoration purposes without considering if they are fakes or not.
Apple fans are an expectant bunch, and one thing or another has gotten their hopes up nearly every year since the death of the Newton.
Apple mealiness degree is an important factor for its internal quality. hyperspectral scattering, as a promising technique, was investigated for noninvasive measurement of apple mealiness.
The copycat industry has quickly discovered how to turn a profit from Steve Jobs' death as Apple fans all over the world mourn the company's co-founder, who died on October 5.
That's the collective whine of millions of Apple fans around the world who had been primed for an iPhone 5 only to receive... an iPhone 4s?
That's the collective whine of millions of Apple fans around the world who had been primed for an iPhone 5, only to receive... an iPhone 4s?
Some think it's a high-tech vehicle code distortion field or custom-built mechanized plate retractor. Others insist that overzealous fans swipe the roadster's tags every time they're mounted.
If you are really in need of cameras, faster processing, and don't care that the screen is exactly the same then you may be standing in line tomorrow at 5pm with the rest of the Apple fans.
At Apple stores across the world and the company's headquarters, makeshift shrines quickly sprang up as Apple's legions of fans gathered together to remember the life of a man they revered as a hero.
Samsung and Motorola phones have now come very close to the iPhone in terms of design and performance, so much so that even some former Apple fanatics are defecting to Android.
因为正是这种高度神秘感,使忠实的果粉对苹果公司的一举一动都热情追捧,丝毫不亚于执着的影迷对奥斯卡颁奖典礼的狂热。 消费者对苹果的这份钟情,其他科技公司只有羡慕的份儿。
That same high level of secrecy encourages the Apple faithful to treat each Apple event like it's the Oscars, speculating with a fervor other tech companies can only hope for.
因为正是这种高度神秘感,使忠实的果粉对苹果公司的一举一动都热情追捧,丝毫不亚于执着的影迷对奥斯卡颁奖典礼的狂热。 消费者对苹果的这份钟情,其他科技公司只有羡慕的份儿。
That same high level of secrecy encourages the Apple faithful to treat each Apple event like it's the Oscars, speculating with a fervor other tech companies can only hope for.