From the moment you slip through its gull-winged door, driving an AMG SLS is like being in charge of a batmobile.
Imagine, Batman and Robin are needed in the city fast and the only way they can get there in time is with one of Batman's amazing rides like the Batmobile.
We hate to debunk a fantasy, but the Batmobile's visibility is so poor that during filming, stunt drivers relied on monitors connected to exterior cameras.
就像蝙蝠车一样,Munster Coach也像演员一样成了电视节目不可分割的一部分。当电视上重播的时候,粉丝们还是能认出这辆车。
Like the Batmobile, the Munster Coach became as much a part of a television show as the actors, still recognizable to fans who only saw the show in reruns on TV Land.
想在克里斯托弗.诺兰(Christopher Nolan,英国导演,指导了蝙蝠侠前传系列,以及《盗梦空间》)的电影里发掘出信息来,用久等不见的公交车来形容可能力道不足,也许把这个过程描述为等着看火山喷发更合适。
Seeking information about Christopher Nolan Batman movies is, if not like waiting for buses, perhaps like watching volcanoes.
Maybe it's your dream to have lots of money, or to drive a fancy car, or to fight crime wearing a mysterious mask and cape, like Batman.
Maybe it's your dream to have lots of money, or to drive a fancy car, or to fight crime wearing a mysterious mask and cape, like Batman.