Human skeletons unearthed there have yielded the first direct evidence of Inca fatalities caused by Spanish conquerors.
Peru's many cultures stretch back for more than 5, 000 years, way beyond the Incas and their Spanish conquerors.
Peru's many cultures stretch back for more than 5,000 years, way beyond the Incas and their Spanish conquerors.
Cibola: Legendary cities of splendour and riches sought by Spanish conquistadors in North America during the 16th century.
The Spanish conquistadors declared coca a tool of the devil, until they saw how it improved the work rate of the Indians they sent down the mines.
When the Spanish Conquistadors arrived in South America, and Meso-America they were certainly looking for the riches that abounded in these regions.
The conquistadors, believing they held considerable military and technological superiority over these cultures, attacked and destroyed the Aztecs in 1521 and the Incas in 1532.
In this picture, you can see the Spanish conquistadors supervising the destruction of the Aztec temple at Tenochtitlan in Mexico.
His brutal reign would foreshadow the arrival of the Spanish warriors called Conquistadors who would plunder and destroy the large, wealthy Aztec, Incan, and Mayan civilizations.
The Inca empire was discovered by a Spanish conquistador called Francisco pizarro accompanied by about169spanish soldiers.
印加帝国被一个名叫弗朗西斯科·皮 萨 罗的西班牙征服者发现,随同他的还有约169名西班牙士兵。
The Inca Empire was discovered by a Spanish conquistador called Francisco Pizarro, accompanied by about 169 Spanish soldiers.
Spanish conquistadors encountered and then destroyed three indigenous civilizations: the Aztecs in Mexico the Incas in Peru and the Mayas in Central America.
这些生物体型矮小,桀骜不驯。 早在16世纪末,野马的祖先从西班牙征服者的营地里走失,从此世代驰骋于这片沙砾堆积的群山之上。
These small, tough animals have galloped the dusty hills since the late 1500s, when their ancestors strayed from the encampments of the conquistadores.
For many Mexicans, the ancient site, abandoned by its mysterious inhabitants centuries before the Spanish conquerors arrived, remains the ultimate symbol of Mexican identity and nationhood.
特诺奇蒂特兰在历史上曾是伟大的阿兹特克帝国(即现在的墨西哥城)的首都。 1521年西班牙征服者到达该地时,这里曾有大约30万人口。
The capital of the great Aztec empire, which eventually morphed into today’s Mexico City, had about 300,000 inhabitants when Spanish conquistadors arrived in 1521.
After being baptized by Spanish conquistadors as "Provincia De Nuestro senor Jesucristo el Salvador Del Mundo", it's now known as the Republic of el Salvador.
After being baptized by Spanish conquistadors as "Provincia De Nuestro Se? Or Jesucristo el Salvador Del Mundo" it's now known as the Republic of el Salvador.
Somewhere deep inside the unforgiving Llanganates mountain range between the Andes and the Amazon is said to exist a fabulous Inca hoard hidden from Spanish conquistadors.
During the 16th century, Spanish conquistadores tried to penetrate it but the vegetation, harsh climate, lack of water and indigenous tribes defeated them and the Chaco was largely ignored.
The royal palaces of Cusco, the Inca capital, fell swiftly to the European conquerors, and a new Spanish colonial city rose on their ruins, burying or obliterating the Inca past.
The avocado, on the other hand, is undeniably sensual-so much so that the Spanish conquistadors helped spread its reputation throughout the world as a powerful stimulant.
Horses are not, as is commonly thought, native to North America, but were introduced into the country in the 17th century by conquerors form Spain.
Its dramatic mountains and barren deserts have spewed forth conquerors who ruled north Africa and Spain.
Cortes arrives in 1519 with a small, elite force of conquistadors and must rely on his motherland of Spain for the reinforcements and supplies that will help him survive and explore these new lands.
Cortes arrives in 1519 with a small, elite force of conquistadors and must rely on his motherland of Spain for the reinforcements and supplies that will help him survive and explore these new lands.