• 大部分妇女怀孕期间进行超声波检查,尽管不是规定性

    Most women will be offered an ultrasound scan during pregnancy, although it's not obligatory.


  • 所有主要语言经过了规定性研究特别是18世纪语法词典写作方法中。

    All the main languages have been studied prescriptively, especially in the 18th century approach to the writing of grammars and dictionaries.


  • 因此性质上描述性的”非“规定性的”。

    They are thus "descriptive" rather than "prescriptive" in nature.


  • 价值直接生命生存状态规定性反映

    Human value is a reflection of the direct human life condition and the prescription.


  • 市场一个有着丰富涵义本质规定性复杂有机体

    The market is a complex organism that has a rich implication and the essential stipulation.


  • 长期以来,翻译研究一直是以原文为中心的规定性研究。

    For a long period in history, translation approach is prescriptive and source-text oriented.


  • 对于习语翻译,传统研究描述性,而规定性的

    The traditional study about idioms is generally descriptive not prescriptive.


  • 成为预测性工具可能会成为一种规定性工具”。

    It becomes a predictive tool and possibly also a prescriptive one.


  • 作为绝对形式而言,概念一切规定性概念却是这些规定性真理。

    It is itself the absolute form, and so is all specific character, but as that character is in its truth.


  • 本质人本身全部规定性的深层根据也是贯穿于整个人世界内在联系

    The human essence is a deep foundation of all the human properties and the internal relation which runs through all the human world.


  • 因此中国英语语音界定应该既是规定性,又是描述性的,规定性先于描述性的。

    So, the definition on "China English pronunciation" should be both prescriptive and descriptive, and prescriptive goes before descriptive.


  • 同时文学理论研究对象确定,还要取决于文学理论自身的品质或内在规定性影响

    Meanwhile, the determination of the research object of literary theory lies in the literary nature and the own prescriptive influences arising from the literary theory itself.


  • 反映他物一方面而言,自身包含差别,因此,一个规定性具体的物。

    On the side of one of its factors, viz. reflection-on-other-things, it has in it the differences, in virtue of which it is a characterized and concrete thing.


  • 可以解释企业个人合同协议的规定性功能高迪奥麦伦,1996)。

    It can be defined as having a contract with another organization or individual to do a specified function (Gaudio & Myron, 1996).


  • 死亡意象其中一个具有丰富思想胚芽容纳丰富规定性中心范畴也是理论研究逻辑起点

    Its major retrospection is made from the angle of art. "Death Imagery" is a core concept which is of in - depth thought and rich implications, and is also the logic start of theoretic research.


  • 所以判断才是概念真正特殊性因为判断概念区别规定性的表述,但这种区别仍然能保持其普遍性

    In the judgment, therefore, for the first time there is seen the genuine particularity of the notion: for it is the specialty or distinguishing of the latter, without thereby losing universality.


  • 直接知识原则应该排斥规定性的空洞直接性(抽象存在纯粹的、自为统一),力持理念存在的统一。

    The maxim of immediate knowledge rejects an indefinite empty immediacy (and such is abstract being, or pure unity taken by itself), and affirms in its stead the unity of the Idea with being.


  • 生活学校这次出版系列一个颠覆‘自助’形象的机会”,她保证:“它们不会说教的、规定性的书籍

    Gough said the School's series was "an opportunity to turn self-help on its head, " promising: "They won't be didactic, prescriptive books.


  • 对此批判进行分析到极致,可以总结这样断语里:思维本身只是一种无规定性统一,或只是这个规定性之统一的活动

    In its final analysis this criticism is summed up in the assertion that in strictness thought is only the indeterminate unity and the action of this indeterminate unity.


  • 没有关于如何开始引入SOA非常明确方法;SOA 并不是规定性东西,注重灵活性不仅体现最终结果上,也体现在实现结果的过程中。

    There's no definitive way to start the SOA journey; SOA isn't prescriptive, it's all about flexibility, not only in the end result, but in the path that should be followed.


  • 系列文章我们使用菜谱提供有关开发服务规定性指南

    We will use this recipe through the rest of this series of articles to provide prescriptive guidance on how to develop services.


  • 主要受众致力于提供SOA应用程序开发方面规定性指南架构师开发人员。

    The primary audience is architects and developers in an effort to provide prescriptive guidance in the development of a SOA application.


  • 但是只有思维本身才构成使得理念成为逻辑的理念普遍规定性要素。

    But thought, as thought, constitutes only the general medium, or qualifying circumstance, which renders the Idea distinctively logical.


  • 菜谱主要针对要在SOA应用程序开发提供规定性指南架构师开发人员。

    This recipe is for architects and developers to provide prescriptive guidance in the development of a SOA application.


  • 只有逐步才能注意到制度副作用,要承认这种副作用执行制度的一种规定性因素更加缓慢。

    Only gradually was the byproduct of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution。


  • 实际上应该定义事物存在同一的,将一物区别于他物的直接规定性

    In fact, quality should be defined as direct stipulation that is identified with object existence and distinguishes one from another.


  • 作为知性(理智)来说,思维坚持固定规定性规定性之间的差别:知性式的思维有限抽象概念当作本身自存存在着的东西。

    Thought, as Understanding, sticks to fixity of characters and their distinctness from one another: every such limited abstract it treats as having a subsistence and being of its own.


  • 概念具体,概念自身,甚至规定性本质上一般都是许多不同规定的统一体

    Now as the notion is concrete, it and every character of it in general is essentially a self-contained unity of distinct characteristics.


  • 文章主要探究干预质的规定性,并基础上对经济法体系几个有争议问题作了一点探讨

    The article mostly probes into the qualitative difference of two kinds of public right intervention, on this base, it also discusses some disputed problems existing in the system of the economic law.


  • 文章主要探究干预质的规定性,并基础上对经济法体系几个有争议问题作了一点探讨

    The article mostly probes into the qualitative difference of two kinds of public right intervention, on this base, it also discusses some disputed problems existing in the system of the economic law.


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