It codes for a bit of RNA (a molecule that usually ACTS as a template for translating DNA into protein) that, it is speculated, has some direct function in neuronal development.
Again, no. Whenever input data is being combined to produce formatted output, the cleanest and most efficient approach is to use a template engine such as StringTemplate or FreeMarker.
与bootcontrol . pl一起提供的还有另外两个小脚本,它们是作为模板提供的,可以促进Windows与Linux之间的切换。
Accompanying bootcontrol.pl are two small scripts, provided as templates, that streamline the process between Windows and Linux.
With this knowledge in mind we will start to put the pieces together to create our BDD Unit Test Template.
Next you need to add a form entry template and a form workflow policy to bind the form template, workflow, and data store together.
The stereotype declares one or more fields, which together form the persistent identity of an instance.
You can create your own space from scratch, or use a template with predefined widgets grouped together by function.
You can store a set of options for the tabbed desktop as a template and thus change the options of all tabs together in a snap.
In the domain project, templates are provided with a UI binding which includes a palette path attribute that links the template to one or more drawers or stacks.
To update a template, create a new template from an artifact with the updated content and specify the same name as the original template.
I've presented the use case in the template order, but I was skipping around in the form when I actually put the thing together.
The result of a variable will depend on the piece of data that the template is being used with, as well as the page that the template is used on.
You can use Boost static assertions in a class, function, or namespace scope; you can also use them with templates.
You can create a combined report using the Rational Publishing Engine document templates for the DocExpress view-based and basic reports together in a document specification.
Whenever you attempt to link two elements together to form a pipeline, GStreamer checks to see if their pad's templates are compatible.
And through it all, you'll learn how simple HTML, template tags, and property files can add up to a killer Web application.
Click to use the default template initially installed with the Spreadsheet. This command cannot be undone.
The outline name is a list of available document templates that come with RequisitePro.
Bringing together the template and its binding object is the second important step in Listing 8 and the crux of working with template engines.
SnipSnap, through its templates, allowed mashing various services together without requiring much infrastructure.
Tapestry框架使用实际的HTML页面,把它们当作模板,并把这些模板与 Tapestry组件链接在一起。
The Tapestry framework uses actual HTML pages, treats them as templates, and then links those templates with Tapestry components.
要在BuildForge环境下使用分析适配器模板,需要把模板文件复制到Build Forge环境的接口目录下,并且重起环境以使Build Forge数据库生效。
To use an adaptor template in Build Forge, the template must be copied to the Build Forge interface directory and then reset to be saved to the Build Forge database.
What's more, Python comes packaged with several basic templating systems that will work in simple cases.
However if you have caching enabled, the output will be cached with the rest of the template.
Save the template file and upload it and the image to your website and take a look.
Click to use the default template initially installed with the Spreadsheet.
Click to use the default template initially installed with the Spreadsheet.