• 高压锅炉过热运行受到磨损,导致管壁

    Abraded by flying ash and blowing ash, the tube wall of low temperature superheater of HP boiler was thinned during operation.


  • 锅炉过热锅炉寿命制盐工艺都是一种摧残和破坏

    Pipe Explosion in Superheater of the boiler would damage the boiler and salt operating.


  • 研究了容量电站锅炉过热问题,并提出新的计算公式

    A new calculation formula of superheater temperature is put forward in view of over-temperature of the superheater for small capacity utility boiler.


  • 本文对开负荷方式速率锅炉过热器安全性影响进行了研究

    This paper studies the affect of style and speed of load in crease on boiler superheater safety.


  • 提出了基于BP网络锅炉过热温度控制系统动态特性辨识方法

    The paper presents a dynamic performance identification for superheat steam temperature control systems of boiler using ANN approach.


  • 锅炉集箱中的流体均匀分布锅炉过热再热安全设计关键技术之一。

    The uniform distribution of flow in a boiler header constitutes one of the key technological factors ensuring the safe design of boiler superheaters and reheaters.


  • 锅炉过热蒸汽温度受控对象通常具有惯性迟延参数时变等特点。

    The boiler super-heater steam temperature control object is generally with characteristic of parameters slow time variable, the great inertia and the larger time lag.


  • 用于制作各类合金结构件及其零部件电站锅炉过热口径板结构件。

    For the production of various types of alloy structural parts and components, such as the power station boiler superheated header, large diameter tube plate Structure.


  • 方法精确反映了锅炉过热器再热分布内在本质,使计算方向趋向简明

    This new method predicts the distribution of the super-heater and re-heater's tube temperature more precisely, and the concept of the calculation is more concise.


  • 分析锅炉过热安装中常遇到组合吊装加固方法,并提出低温过热器采用联置式组合吊装技术

    The article talks about the technology of the united combination and hoisting of high or low temperature overheater in the power plant.


  • 系统锅炉过热进行偏差管壁温度仿真模拟计算可对在线运行锅炉进行预报,为锅炉的运行以及重新设计提供依据。

    The system can made analogy computation for the thermal deviation of the boiler superheater and the temperature of the boilers pipe, then, the defects of the components of the boil…


  • 鉴于某型舰用锅炉过热破损主因在于内部腐蚀破损主要方式头的溃烂开始直至整个管头烂掉为止,导致管子的胀接松动而漏泄

    The main reason which causes the breakdown of marine boiler superheater is its inner corrosion, which is taken to be developed from the parts of tube top to entire top, and this leads to leakage.


  • 阐述了四角燃烧600MW锅炉过热系统蒸汽温度分布特性,分析了这种温度分布特性产生原因提出了解决过热器系统存在的蒸汽温度偏差的措施。

    This paper introduces the steam temperature deviation in the superheater system of 600mw tangential firing boiler and also introduces the reasons to cause these steam temperature deviations.


  • 硫酸废热锅炉故障主要受热面管子磨损、受热面的腐蚀过热爆管焊缝漏水等引起的。

    Abrasion and corrosion of heating surface, superheater tube cracking and weld leakage are the main cause of waste heat boiler breakdown in sulphuric acid plant.


  • 锅炉中其分配弯头入口顶棚过热器受热面流量分配做详细的数值模拟研究

    A detailed numerical simulation study was conducted of the flow distribution in the heating surface tubes of a boiler roof superheater featuring a distribution header with a bent inlet.


  • 从运行管理上对武钢自备电厂WGZ670/13.7-8锅炉过热原因进行了分析,提出了预防的对策。

    Causes bring on the burst tube in the front screen overheater of WGZ670/13.7-8 type boiler at the Selfbuilt Power Plant by WISCO are analyzed and preventatives raised in the paper.


  • 过热器管壁温度一直电站锅炉寿命在线监测安全评估主要参数之一如何准确地确定管壁温度有着重要意义。

    The tube temperature of super-heater is always an important parameter about life of the utility boiler on-line monitoring and evaluating of safety.


  • 针对国产600MW亚临界机组锅炉过热器采用焊接性能SA 213-T91钢材

    SA213-T91 steel with inferior welding performance is used on end superheater of domestic-made 600MW subcritical boil- er.


  • 早期的300MW、600MW锅炉存在的过热器再热超温问题原因进行论述分析,提出改进优化措施

    The superheater and reheater overheating occurred in early 300MW, 600MW boilers and their reasons are detailed and analyzed, and the improvement and optimization measure are put forward.


  • 水冷顶棚、水平低温过热器三个方面对日本350mw锅炉国内300mw锅炉结构设计进行分析与比较研究。

    This paper mainly discusses the comparison between the general designs in water wall, roof tubes and low temperature superheaters of the structure of Japanese 350mw boilers and Our 300mw boilers.


  • 我们知道,火电厂锅炉高温过热过热一类非线性、时变、大时滞、大惯性典型对象。

    We know that the superheated steam temperature of boiler superheated system in the fired power plant has nonlinear, uncertain, large time-delay and large inertial characteristics.


  • 锅炉过热热交换冷凝用熔焊和碳锰钢规范

    Standard Specification for Steel Tubes, Carbon and Carbon Manganese, Fusion Welded, for Boiler, Superheater, heat Exchanger and Condenser Applications.


  • 本产品主要用于锅炉过热热交换冷凝催化等用的高温、耐高压、耐腐蚀钢管

    The seamless stainless steel tubes are mainly Used in boiler, over-heater, heat exchanger, Condenser and catalyst as high temperature and Pressure resistant, and anti-corrosive tubes.


  • 锅炉系统过热的壁面温度非常重要监测参数,关系机组安全运行效率

    It is very important for improving boiler's efficiency and safety to monitor on wall temperature of heat exchanger in boiler.


  • 用于锅炉水冷省煤再热过热器蒸气管道制造

    For manufacture water wall panel, economizer, reheater, superheater and pipeline of boilers.


  • 用于锅炉水冷省煤再热过热器蒸气管道制造

    For manufacture wall panel, economizer, reheater, superheater and steam pipeline of boilers.


  • 分析循环流化床锅炉运行出现高温再热、二级过热器系统旋转给阀经常堵煤等问题。

    The causes of SH and RH tube explosion and coal feed system jamming in the operating CFBB are analyzed.


  • 分析循环流化床锅炉运行出现高温再热、二级过热器系统旋转给阀经常堵煤等问题。

    The causes of SH and RH tube explosion and coal feed system jamming in the operating CFBB are analyzed.


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