On October 22nd an army brigadier was ambushed outside his house and killed by two gunmen on a motorcycle.
In a 22-hour battle, nine militants and 14 others, including a passing brigadier, were killed.
Still, says their commander, Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith, “in the sweep of the campaign, this marks the end of the beginning.”
Surveys of WWII infantrymen carried out by U.S. Army Brig. Gen. S.L.A. Marshall found that only 15 to 20 percent had fired their weapons in combat, even when ordered to do so.
It says three army officers, including a brigadier-general, were ambushed and killed on Sunday by armed criminal gangs who then mutilated the bodies with sharp tools.
1862年2月,陆军上尉托马斯·弗朗西斯·米格尔(ThomasFrancis Meagher)成为爱尔兰旅(初期)的准将。
In February 1862, an Army captain named Thomas Francis Meagher became the Brigadier General of the nascent Irish Brigade.
1862年2月,陆军上尉托马斯·弗朗西斯·米格尔(ThomasFrancis Meagher)成为爱尔兰旅(初期)的准将。
In February 1862, an Army captain named Thomas Francis Meagher became the Brigadier General of the nascent Irish Brigade.