• 明显,可能会导致巨大的集中荷载

    It is obvious that this can cause tremendous concentrated loads.


  • 应用塑性理论集中荷载作用下点支承分析

    Plastic theory is applied to analyse the corner supported single rectangular non beam slab with concentrated load in this paper.


  • 分析了水平集中荷载作用在半空间饱和表面态问题。

    The transient dynamic response of horizontal loads on the surface of saturated soil was studied in this paper.


  • 分析表明横向剪切变形钢筋混凝土集中荷载影响很大

    The analyses show that the transverse shear deformation effect has a significant influence on the thick reinforced concrete slabs and the concentrated load condition.


  • 本文讨论在集中荷载荷载联合作用搁支矩形弯曲问题

    The problem of bending of rectangular plates with rest-on edges under the combined action of concentrated load with uniform distribution load has been discussed.


  • 本文集中荷载作用下上下正交异性的钢筋进行了极限分析

    Tn this paper , a ultimate A analysis was presented for upper and lower orthotropic reinforced concrete plate acted by a concentrated load.


  • 高速磁悬浮列车过桥为移动均布荷载过桥,它与铁路车辆集中荷载过桥不同。

    The passing of high speed maglev over bridges features equalized traveling load instead of centralized load of common trains.


  • 均匀压力径向集中荷载正交集中荷载作用圆形平面屈曲问题。

    The in-plane buckling of Ring Structure under uniform pressure, radial concentrated forces, orthogonal forces, radial cable forces and under orthogonal cable forces.


  • 集中荷载作用具有较大悬臂箱梁的附加弯矩分布具有明显的局部性质

    Additional bending moments in the cantilever box girder with a large span width ratio are distributed locally under concentrated loads.


  • 试验基础提出集中荷载作用下骨料混凝土承载力计算公式模型

    Based on the experimental results, the calculation formula model of shear capacity of lightweight aggregate concrete beams is put forward.


  • 介绍了采用算法计算悬挂运输设备轨道容许集中荷载标准值的公式及其应用图表。

    Formula for calculating standard values of allowable concentrated loads in railway of hanging lifting equipment is introduced by using reversed calculation and their application.


  • 保持塑性集中荷载作用点附近塑性扩展固支端附近塑性区卸载阶段

    The fixed end behaves as a plastic hinge, and the plastic region near the point where the concentrated load acts is developing, while that near the fixed end unloading.


  • 弹性阶段,得到试验梁跨中作用集中荷载弯曲挠度剪切挠度之间相对增长关系

    Furthermore, at the elastic stage, relationship between the bending deformation and shear deformation of test model under the inter-concentrated load was showed.


  • 阐明单元刚度矩阵以及上层单元作用竖向集中荷载分布荷载下单元节点荷载列阵形成。

    The formulation for element stiffness matrixs, and vectors of nodal of element with the upper beam element subjected to either vertical concentrated load or distributed loads is illustrated.


  • 对于移动集中荷载作用连续,应用这些公式求得不利载荷位置最大绝对弯矩

    According to these equations, both the most unfavorable loading location and the maximum absolute bending moment of continuous beam loaded under a group of movable loads can be found.


  • 立柱结构例如材料尺寸高度,立柱间距,安装型式水平集中荷载设计参数

    The structure of stanchions, such as materials, dimensions, height, space and fixing types are all the design parameters for the horizontal concentrated load.


  • 为此,本文着重集中荷载碳纤维钢板条带钢筋混凝土加固双向受力性能进行试验研究

    Therefore, experimental study on the behavior of the strengthened two-way slabs bonded with strips made of CFRP or steel and subjected to a central patch load was carried out by the authors.


  • 为此,本文着重集中荷载外贴碳纤维钢板条带钢筋混凝土加固双向受力性能进行了试验研究

    So far, a great deal of research work has been done for RC beams strengthened by bonded CFRP or steel plate, but only rather little for two-way RC slabs.


  • 粘贴加固混凝土的锚固应力计算公式基础集中荷载均布荷载作用下的梁进行参数分析

    Based on the formula for calculating the stress at the plate end of a rc beam strengthened by plate with arbitrary forces, the parameter analysis is presented.


  • 方法适用于不等大小、不等间距不同方向集中荷载作用线天线吊索,可以保证天线施工后的成型良好

    This method applies to the wire antenna's rope slings influenced by focus forces with different strength, distance and direction, and it ensures fine shape to the antenna.


  • 最后依据试验数据回归分析分别得出了集中荷载作用超高混凝土无腹筋简支梁约束抗剪强度回归公式

    Finally, according to regression analysis of the experimental data, the shear strength formula of super high-strength concrete unconstrained beams under point load is achieved.


  • 对于均布轴向荷载集中荷载共同作用下压杆,考虑初始几何位移影响,根据边缘纤维屈服准则得到构件的理论最大荷载

    Considering the initial geometric deflection, the theoretical ultimate load is obtained based on the yielding criterion of the cross-sectional edge stresses.


  • 例分析表明,实际工程中需要注意薄壁截面梁支座截面处、集中荷载作用梁柱连接的节点,横向正应力对截面强度和受力状态影响。

    Some examples showed that attentions should be paid to the adverse effects of transverse stresses at supports, beam-column connections and where the concentrated forces acting.


  • 荷载作用边界时间变化动力荷载作用下,网格生成器应力集中区域变化而动态退化加密网格。

    When the load boundaries vary with time and under the dynamics loads, the mesh generator can derefinement and re-refinement dynamically mesh with moving of stress concentration region.


  • 不同荷载作用情况下,以及他们应力集中系数的影响进行探讨。

    The influences of different loads on hole-edge stress concentration factors were discussed.


  • 针对复杂地质条件上部集中荷载结构基础要求通过综合技术分析,选用了挖灌注桩基础。

    Aimed at complex geology condition and requirements of big and concentive loading structure on upper part for foundation, drilled cast piles foundation is selected through comprehensive analysis.


  • 大型超市具有人员活动集中火灾荷载密度较大以及疏散距离超长等特点,需要重视消防设计安全分析。

    Evacuation is quite difficult for a large-scale supermarket when fires happen because of the personnel activity concentration, bigger fire density and further dispersing distance.


  • 荷载作用下地下硐室群围岩出现较大应力集中最大应力小于岩体强度,地下硐室群围岩不会出现拉裂破坏。

    Stress concentration occurs in surrounding rocks, while the maximum tension stress is less than the tensile strength of rock mass, so tensile crack does not take place.


  • 指出这种分析楼板水平集中而不所谓的“典型荷载”作为基本荷载形式

    It is pointed out that the basic form of loads should not be the so called "typical loads", instead of the point loads located in the floor plane.


  • 指出这种分析楼板水平集中而不所谓的“典型荷载”作为基本荷载形式

    It is pointed out that the basic form of loads should not be the so called "typical loads", instead of the point loads located in the floor plane.


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