The precipitation process can be explored through the simulation of the CAPE and radar reflectivity factor and other physic index from the WRF model.
The simulation of radar reflectivity factor indicates that the simulation of snowstorm's precipitation distribution and intensity were reasonable.
An automatic identification algorithm for the removal of bright band from radar reflectivity data is introduced and tested by case analysis and pre-operational run.
Precipitation radar's standard algorithms of retrieving radar reflectivity factor are introduced first and an improved method is brought forward.
This paper using the Z-M experience relations of the Doppler weather radar reflectivity factor Z and moisture content M to inverse the moisture content.
雷达组合反射率因子图上,MCS 表现为回波组织性强、模态清晰,或移动,或静止,MCS 雷达回波分布特征决定雨带走向和落区;
The radar echoes for those MCSs are organized well, and some MCSs are moving, others are quasi-stationary. The echo distributions of MCSs indicate the precipitation areas.
雷达组合反射率因子图上,MCS 表现为回波组织性强、模态清晰,或移动,或静止,MCS 雷达回波分布特征决定雨带走向和落区;
The radar echoes for those MCSs are organized well, and some MCSs are moving, others are quasi-stationary. The echo distributions of MCSs indicate the precipitation areas.