• 近年麻疹疫苗婴儿麻疹发病率呈上升趋势夏季度多见;

    The attack rate of measles in little infants before primary vaccination increased in recent years, which reaches the top in summer and increases with the increasing of the month age.


  • 麻疹疫苗问世40多年,是领导承诺做出奉献的伙伴关系关心金钱改变了形势

    The measles vaccine has been available for more than 40 years. But it took the commitment of leaders, and the caring – and cash – of a dedicated partnership, to turn things around.


  • 结论麻疹疫苗HI抗体阳性率随免疫时间推移降低细胞中和抗体阳性率仍较理想

    Conclusion the HI antibody positive rate of measles vaccine decreased as time goes on. However, the neutralizing antibody positive rate of it was still satisfied.


  • 麻疹疫苗属减毒疫苗接种后刺激机体产生麻疹病毒抗体保护机体免遭感染。

    Measles vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine, vaccination against measles virus can stimulate the body to generate antibodies that protect the body from infection.


  • 微量中和试验测定麻疹病人急性恢复期血清中和麻疹疫苗株和毒株中和抗体水平

    The neutralization antibody levels for measles vaccine virus and wild measles virus in sera of measles patients in acute phase and convalescent phase were determined by trace neutralization test.


  • 2004年麻疹疫苗百白破联合疫苗流行性乙型脑炎疫苗零剂次免疫儿童补种率>90%。

    More than 97.0% of migrant children who missed routine OPV(immunization) were vaccinated. In 2004,90.0% of zero-dose migrant children of MV, DPT or JE were vaccinated.


  • 结果显示HAM甲肝麻疹病毒滴度单价甲肝和麻疹疫苗病毒度,差异显著意义

    The results showed that the united vaccine of hepatitis a and measles in HAM has no significant difference as compared with single vaccines in the same batch substrate.


  • 没有证据表明麻疹疫苗会加速SSPE的病程引发SSPE,或导致麻疹野病毒良性持续感染者发生SSPE。

    There is no evidence that measles vaccine accelerates the course of SSPE or triggers SSPE or causes SSPE in those with an established benign persistent wild measles infection.


  • 委员会审议亚急性硬化性全脑炎(SSPE)流行病学资料以及发生该病与麻疹疫苗接种有关传闻。

    The Committee reviewed the epidemiology of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) and the purported relationship between measles immunization and the occurrence of SSPE.


  • 结论加强流动人口儿童免疫规划工作,提高流动人口麻疹疫苗免疫接种率今后控制麻疹的重点。

    Conclusion Basic immunization of children living with floating population must be strengthened and the immunization coverage rate in floating population must be improved.


  • 2000年,全世界72%儿童1周岁前通过常规卫生服务获得麻疹疫苗,到2008年,增至83%左右。

    In 2008, about 83% of the world's children received one dose of measles vaccine by their first birthday through routine health services - up from 72% in 2000.


  • 方法采用回顾性调查研究方法计算麻疹疫苗(MV)效力(VE),采用病例对照研究进行传播因素分析

    Methods Reviewing investigation was used for the MV coverage rate and immunization efficacy (ve), a case control study was carried for seeking risk factors.


  • 国际医疗救援机构无国界医生由于索马里首都摩加迪沙附近战事激烈已经暂停了在当地施打麻疹疫苗活动

    The international medical aid agency Doctors Without Borders has suspended its measles vaccination campaign near the Somali capital, following intense fighting there.


  • 然而此前旨在寻找过敏反应麻疹病毒感染麻疹疫苗之间联系研究得出过积极的否定的和无关系的结果

    However, previous studies looking for any link between allergies, measles infection, and measles vaccination have produced positive, negative and neutral results.


  • 继续做好麻疹疫苗常规免疫强化免疫工作,提高实验室检测敏感性准确性达到控制麻疹暴发流行的目的。

    Routine immunization and aggrandized immunization should be continued; the sensitivity and accuracy in the laboratory detection should be improved in order to control the attack of measles.


  • 王伟峰22岁女儿(于2008年)注射麻疹疫苗一周医院鉴定患了麻疹周二,王伟峰来到了太原。

    Wang Weifeng, father of 2-year-old Xiao Yu, who was diagnosed with the measles one week after being vaccinated against them, came to the city on Tuesday.


  • 这个上升大半归咎于父母害怕小孩麻疹腮腺炎德国麻疹疫苗由于毫无根据害怕可能会造成自闭症肠道问题

    The rise is attributed largely to parents being afraid to give children the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine because of unfounded fears that it could cause autism or bowel problems.


  • 卫生部门可能一个孩子进行免疫水平检测而且再次注射的麻疹疫苗对于已经注射过该疫苗儿童没有任何伤害的。

    It is not possible for health authorities to test each and every child for immunity, and there is no harm in vaccinated children receiving an additional dose.


  • 麻疹发病率死亡率国家儿童常规接种麻疹疫苗结合人群强化免疫活动减少全球麻疹死亡关键公共卫生策略

    Routine measles vaccination for children, combined with mass immunization campaigns in countries with high case and death rates, are key public health strategies to reduce global measles deaths.


  • 据《新京报》报道中国卫生部将本月11至20开展全国范围内的麻疹疫苗接种工作,1亿名14以下儿童免费接种。

    China's Ministry of Health is planning a nationwide measles vaccination campaign September 11-20. Vaccines will be free to around 100 million children under 14 years' old, the Beijing News reported.


  • 结论加强外来流动儿童麻疹疫苗基础免疫加强免疫,提高免疫覆盖率同时考虑提前年龄并对大年龄组人群开展复种工作。

    In addition, the coverage of vaccination be enhanced and the initial vaccination be ahead of the schedule time, also re-vaccination of elder age groups be considered.


  • 目标提供一种能抑制所有季节性流行性流感病毒的疫苗,像接种麻疹疫苗小儿麻痹症疫苗那样人们接种流感疫苗即使不能保证终生免疫,也要保证几年内为人类提供保护

    The goal is to provide protection for years, if not a whole lifetime, against all seasonal flu strains and pandemic strains, making flu inoculation much more like that for measles and polio.


  • 作者英国医学博士安德鲁·韦克菲尔德声称发现麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹 (MMR)疫苗自闭症之间联系

    The author and British medical doctor Andrew Wakefield claimed to have found a link between the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and an autismlike disorder.


  • 麻疹腮腺炎以及风疹三联疫苗一种成熟相当昂贵疫苗

    The measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine is an established vaccine also quite expensive.


  • 大约93%美国居民麻疹免疫的,他们要么因为接种疫苗,要么就是小时候麻疹

    About 93 percent of U.S. residents are immune to measles either because they were vaccinated or they had the disease as a child.


  • 诸如麻疹致命一些儿童期疾病可以获得疫苗的。及时完成免疫接种能够使儿童免遭病患死亡

    For some of the most deadly childhood diseases, such as measles, vaccines are available and timely completion of immunization protects a child from this illness and death.


  • 诸如麻疹致命一些儿童期疾病可以获得疫苗的。及时完成免疫接种能够使儿童免遭病患死亡

    For some of the most deadly childhood diseases, such as measles, vaccines are available and timely completion of immunization protects a child from this illness and death.


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