• 降水量增加内陆水系的合并外流黄河和长江流域产生重大影响

    The increased precipitation would have important effects on the convergence of inland water systems and on the catchment change of the Changjiang River and the Yellow River.


  • 中国黄河长江流域以及印度河恒河流域孕育出人类灿烂文明

    Both the Yellow and Yangtze River Valleys in China, and the Indus and Ganges River Valleys were once the cradles of human civilisations.


  • 喜玛拉雅冰川恒河黄河长江提供淡水融化恶化人口增长导致的危机

    The melting of Himalayan glaciers which supply fresh water to the Ganges, Yellow River and Yangtze would exacerbate a water crisis driven by rising population.


  • 原始社会末期,居住黄河长江流域的原始人,已经开始制作泥塑陶塑了

    Ancient Chinese people living along the Yellow and Yangtze rivers began to make pottery and clay figures towards the end of the Primitive Society .


  • 岷江大渡河长江上游各条支流贯穿阿坝境内并且它也是四川省唯一一个黄河流经地方

    Minjiang River and Dadu River, tributaries of the upper Yangtze River, flow across Aba which is the only place in Sichuan Province having the Yellow River flow through.


  • 对取自长江黄河三角洲东海230个表层沉积物的重矿物资料进行人工神经网络分析

    Detrital mineral data of230surface sediment samples in Changjiang River (Yangtze River) and Huanghe (Yellow River) Deltas, and Outer East China Sea were analysed by BP Artificial Neural Network.


  • 中国长江黄河下游大部分时间都是干的。

    In China, Yangtze River and in Yellow River's downstream one year the majority of time do.


  • 长江黄河哪一条河流更长

    Which river is longer, the Yangtze river or the Yellow river?


  • 汉族人分散全国各地,主要聚集黄河中下游地区,长江流域珠江流域东北平原

    The Han people can be found throughout the country, though mainly on the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Pearl River valleys, and the Northeast Plain.


  • 中国有着许多美景,你可以看到长城黄河长江布达拉宫

    There are many beautiful sceneries in China, including the Great Wall, the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, and the Potala Palace.


  • 黄河长江输送大量沉积物到河口中国东部海域

    Modern sediments on the Yellow Sea and East China Sea Shelves are mainly from the Huanghe and Changjiang Rivers.


  • 长江黄河中国最长条河流黄河流域长江流域是中华文明的重要发源地。

    The Yangzi River and the Yellow River are two longest river in China. The Yellow River valley and Yangzi river valley are the birthplaces of the Chinese civilisation.


  • 长江黄河流域中国最大两个流域,支撑着中国人口密集地区水分能量资源

    The Yangtze and Yellow river basins, the largest river basins in China, sustain the most densely populated region of China by providing water and energy resources.


  • 南疆盆地内蒙古中东部地区AOT值随季节变化明显四川盆地、长江黄河下游地区AOT值没有明显季节变化。

    The seasonal changes of AOT are obviously in south Xinjiang Basin and middle-west region of Inner Mongolia, but not obviously in Sichuan Basin and the lower reaches of Yangzi river and Yellow river.


  • 本文区域研究角度出发,把诗词国度划分为边塞地区、黄河流域长江流域三个诗词文化地理区域。

    From the Angle of study on region, the state of classical poems is divided into three distract including frontier fortress, the Huanghe River Valley and the Changjiang River Valley.


  • 以此起点之内推行全国中华自然养生文化播撒长江黄河两岸长城内外。

    This as the starting point will be implemented nationwide within two years, to spread Chinese culture to natural health Yangtze River, Yellow River and at the Great Wall.


  • 而在比较繁华黄河大街沿线长江沿线,租金明显提升

    The rental of buildings near more bustling Huanghe Avenue and Changjiang Street is clearly higher.


  • 西江珠江水系中最长河流中国第三河流,长度仅次于长江黄河

    Thee Xijiang River, as the longest river of the Pearl River system and the third largest river in China, is second only to the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in length.


  • 青海省是长江黄河澜沧江发源地,水蚀、风蚀冻融侵蚀严重复合型出现

    Being the sources of the Yangtze River, Yellow River and Lanchang River, Qinghai province is featured with severe water, wind and frozen erosion, which often happen in complex patterns.


  • 根据长江流域水资源特征黄河珠江海河流域进行比较分析了长江流域我国水资源中的地位特点

    Based on characteristics of Yangtze River Valley and compared with Yellow River, Zhu River and Hai River, the status and features of Yangtze River Valley in our country water resources are analyzed.


  • 2001年度大水系污染顺序依次海河辽河淮河黄河松花江长江珠江

    The order of the pollution for serious level to light level in the seven key river systems in 2001 is: Hai river, Liao river, Huai river, Huang river, Song Hua river, Yangtze river and Pearl river.


  • 秧歌普及范围广,几乎遍及整个长江流域黄河流域。

    Chinese Yangge Dance spreads a wide range of region including the areas of the Yangtse River the Yellow River.


  • 黄河流域长江流域中华文明重要发源地。

    The Yellow river valley and Yangzi river valley are the birthplaces of the Chinese civilisation.


  • 较完整地反映长江黄河沉积物磁性特征,对两河口所覆盖区域进行大面积布点采样。

    To reflect magnetic properties of the sediments from the Changjiang and Huanghe fully, surface sediments were collected from the river channels and higher tidal flat of the estuaries.


  • 长江三峡黄河小浪底工程成功截流

    It guaranteed the closure of the dam across the Yangtze River.


  • 研究长江黄河口邻近海域碳化学体系,对于更完整、准确地探讨边缘海区全球循环贡献、以及完善全球碳系统参数数据库无疑极为必要的。

    So study on the CO2 flux at the estuary of Yangzte and Huanghe is of great importance for the discussion of global carbon cycle and for the consummation of the global carbon database.


  • 我国长江黄河流域华南江南地区高层温度场高度场异常影响明显的地区

    The Yangtze River basin, the Yellow River valley, South China and the south-of-the-Yangtze-River district are the most influenced areas by the upper-level temperature and height anomalies.


  • 我国长江黄河流域华南江南地区高层温度场高度场异常影响明显的地区

    The Yangtze River basin, the Yellow River valley, South China and the south-of-the-Yangtze-River district are the most influenced areas by the upper-level temperature and height anomalies.


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