Photo above: I used some old wallpaper samples as a temporary inspiration board above our computer desk and it ended up staying.
When I have something I have to remember (a bill to pay in a few weeks for instance) I put it in a prominent place on the pin board above my computer.
There is also a quote by Odd Ivar Ruud, the last trapper to live in the hut in Hornsund in the Seventies, and whose name is carved on a wooden board above its door.
Image above: The notice board in our studio holds a lot of inspiration!
Rubber boats with British marine commandos on board circled the Montecristo, while a helicopter hovered above.
N why serving is so slow, he says, there is a grilled fish board only in the kitchen, above.
So Fantz set up a display board above the baby to which were attached two pictures (Fantz, 1961).
于是Fantz在婴儿上方放一块展板,上面有两张图片(Fantz 1961)。
The Boeing 737-300 in question was only 15 years old when its skin peeled open along a riveted lap-joint while flying above 34,000 feet (just over 10,000 metres) with 118 passengers on board.
The Boeing 737-300 in question was only 15 years old when its skin peeled open along a riveted lap-joint while flying above 34, 000 feet (just over 10, 000 metres) with 118 passengers on board.
正在讨论的波音737- 300型飞机只用了15年。当其外壳沿敲平的上端搭接接头剥落开来时,飞机上的118位乘客正飞行在34000英尺(刚刚超过10,000米)的上空。
Many others have followed, including a new, above-board version of Napster.
Above my desk hangs a bulletin board.
The Board rose above many problems and succeeded in setting up a new factory.
According to the above method will be very quick to judge the damage of the barrier plate in a timely manner to replace the damaged fence board, better play the role of the high speed rail.
Flowing down from high above, the cascade looks like a sliding board.
The invention also discloses a producing method of above light leading board .
With the above devices a sample experiment board was developed.
Through the study above, the paper suggests that the contemporary public art must take environmental factors in a board sense as an important value orientation.
Some states like Texas are not yet on board, so you can see a number of holes in the above graphic.
It is home the ING Group's board and a large staff, but it is also above all the flagship of the entire organization.
A bathtub body water cavity above the wood inner bottom (6) is provided with a stainless iron heating board (5).
A bathtub body water cavity above the wood inner bottom (6) is provided with a stainless iron heating board (5).