A bank failure (or the fear thereof) could create a systemic panic.
Depositors will know how and when reimbursement of their deposits will be made in the event of a bank failure.
Ex ante funding refers to the accumulation of a reserve or a fund upon which the deposit insurer can draw in the event of a bank failure.
Ex ante funding requires the accumulation and maintenance of a fund to cover deposit insurance claims and related expenses prior to a bank failure.
Previously in his tenure, he had resisted heavy pressure to bail out a smaller bank called Penn Square: he judged the system could cope with its failure.
A local bank, Washington Mutual, known throughout the state as "WaMu", became America's biggest banking failure.
Harold James, an economic historian at Princeton University, says Lehman's failure was analogous to the collapse of Creditanstalt, a big Austrian bank, in 1931.
A World Bank statement said there were growing signs of a severe public health crisis because of a shortage of drinking water and a growing failure of the sewage system.
The British financial authorities also had two drills in the past year, one of which examined the impact on a British clearing bank of the failure in London of a foreign banking subsidiary.
Stress tests in the summer were exposed as a failure after Franco-Belgian bank Dexia – which passed – went bust and dozens of others were downgraded.
PARTNERS BANK of Naples, Florida, earned a dubious distinction on Friday October 23rd. It became the 100th American bank failure of the year.
This is because a secondary failure of regulation impeded inter-bank lending and caused the bizarre collapse and extravagant rescue of Northern Rock.
这是失败的跨行贷款规定带来的副产品,也导致了北石公司(Northern Rock)莫名其妙的崩溃,以及过分奢侈的营救。
The failure of Washington Mutual (WaMu), a troubled thrift, could at the worst wipe out as much as half of what remains in the fund, reckons of Ladenburg Thalmann, a boutique investment bank.
一家精品投资银行Ladenburg Thalmann的Dick Bove估计,最坏的情况是,华盛顿共同基金(一个麻烦的以节俭著称的银行)的破产将了结一半以上的基金。
The failure of the bank caused a panic in the town.
A form of the retreat rate equation was given according to that bank retreat includes erosion and failure of bank.
The failure of the bank proved a serious blow to the depositors.
That was to protect depositors in the case of bank failure and it was a very important innovation because, at that time, there were huge runs on banks.
In an ex post system funds to cover the costs of failure are obtained only at the time a bank fails.
Failure to send the refusal notice by the following Monday will preclude Bank A from claiming that the documents are discrepant.
The decision to nationalise marks the failure of a five-month effort to sell the stricken lender, which last September suffered from the first serious run on a British bank since the 19th century.
The failure a few months later of Washington Mutual, an even larger bank, was also managed by the FDIC but substantial parts of its business were passed virtually intact to J.
The model also provides a new method to predict river bank-failure.
Local scour is a common occurrence around hydraulic structures like spur-dikes and bridge foundations. This affair is a main reason of failure of bank protections and Bridges.
In the case of a bank's failure, depositors would need to wait until the bank was liquidated, that is until the assets of the bank were disposed of for cash, before they could recover any funds.
In the case of a bank's failure, depositors would need to wait until the bank was liquidated, that is until the assets of the bank were disposed of for cash, before they could recover any funds.