PolyPlus's battery may be just that: dip the encapsulated lithium pack into a glass of ordinary water and it produces current that lights up an LED display at the company's conference showcase booth.
Should extend the use of the emergency lights battery installed on the stairs, so that in the case of a loss of power to the people.
Scientists successfully operated an LCD touch screen, a bank of 20 LED lights and a flexible keyboard, all with a simple touching or pressing motion and without the aid of a battery.
The glasses, known as the 'Wearable Personal Navigation System', house a battery, a microcomputer, a magnetic directional sensor and a number of LED lights.
The University of Illinois research team has also been able to add components to a hand drawn circuit, including LED lights and a battery.
The University of Illinois research team has also been able to add components to a hand drawn circuit, including LED lights and a battery.