If you've always been a certain way or done a certain thing, but it's not working for you any more, or you're not content, Emerson says that it'd be foolish to be consistent even with our own past.
These validations prevent errors when the data is received by applications or components that expect the data to be in a particular structure and comply with business content validation rules.
First, it makes it easy for desktop applications to swap content with websites: for example, information from a website can be pulled into an AIR application with its formatting intact.
The difference with this is that a 302 is meant to be used when content is temporalily moved somewhere else.
To be content with what you have and how your life is going is a fantastic feeling which I'm just now experiencing.
In general, a widget is a portable, reusable application or piece of dynamic content that can be placed into a web page, receive input, and communicate with an application or with another widget.
Since there are two portlets, be sure to select the option for a content page with two sections.
To manipulate a variable, simply type the name of the variable in the Display view, and you'll be greeted with a familiar content assist.
Each of the 15 sections of the document included a short description or examples of the content to be included in the section along with a checklist for the architect.
The tables will eventually be populated with content by a rule, but for now, you will associate each table with a content spot.
As with topics, a specialized content element can be generalized to one of its ancestor elements.
Most users will merely be concerned with what tags and content to put in what order to construct a valid UBL document.
With this authoring template, a content object can be created.
There can be many PT's associated with a DCT so the content editor selects the suitable one.
This could be achieved with a different mobile, PC or web application that gathers content from a variety of sources.
The tables will eventually be populated with content by a rule.
Listing 1 shows raw content, with nothing but data, that could be used in a variety of ways.
Why should developers be content with the restricted set of widgets specified in a document when they have an extensible toolkit to play with?
In other cases, the repository hierarchy could be representative of an underlying file system, with content being limited to a single location.
For external links include only the best sites with concise descriptions. For internal content be like a magazine editor, don't rush to publish mediocre or incomplete articles.
This type of a product is considered to be a high labor content product with labor being about 70% of the total cost.
A separate DRM service can be abstracted out to deal with ownership, key exchanges etc. and allow a separate DRM clearing house to be implemented from the content service.
A successful single wants to be happy while being single, is content with themselves, makes use of the advantages of being single, and sees singleness as an opportunity and not a trap.
The child list is more subtle: Strings can be interleaved with tuples in the list, indicating a mixed content element.
Want it to be a membership program, paid monthly, with monthly webinars or fresh content?
The inability or unwillingness of human beings to follow rules or be content with their guidance is not a weakness but a strength.
A dynamic scan can be done by testers by interacting with applications and dynamically loading different content into the application.
If your website is content-heavy and is updated frequently (e.g. a blog or news site), having an RSS feed will be a necessary site feature for keeping your users up-to-date with fresh content.
If your website is content-heavy and is updated frequently (e.g. a blog or news site), having an RSS feed will be a necessary site feature for keeping your users up-to-date with fresh content.