The company announced a big price increase for online customers, cut way back on marketing, and decided to intensify the focus on the store-based business.
You're a big customer so I'll cut my price down to $5 per shirt if you agree to buy a thousand.
I'll cut the price down, if you are going to make a big purchase. Wouldyou please tell me your order quantity?
But, says Mr Fishburn, a bigger worry is the ambitious plan by China's huge state tobacco monopoly to become a big exporter of cut-price smokes to the rest of the region.
I'll cut the price down if you are going to make a big purchase. Would you please tell me your order quantity?
I'll cut the price down, if you are going to make a big purchase. Would you please tell me your order quantity?
If you are going to make a big purchase. I will cut the price down.
If you are going to make a big purchase. I will cut the price down.