The summer before my eighth grade I was one of a group of boys that a neighboring farmer hired to work in his field.
The summer of 1949 brought extreme fires to the West, and that August some of “his boys” went to jump a fire at Mann Gulch in Montana.
In the summer it's a great golf community and my husband ends up going with the boys or his friends.
On a hot summer, some boys are in the way home after class in the afternoon.
In Hangzhou, in eastern China, educators have started a summer camp called West Point Boys, complete with taekwondo classes and the motto, "We bring out the men in boys."
Old photos testify to the popularity of the summer resort for foreigners residing in China, and it is said that even rickshaw boys were able to speak a few words of English.
Old photos testify to the popularity of the summer resort for foreigners residing in China, and it is said that even rickshaw boys were able to speak a few words of English.