A common thread runs through these discussions.
All of these scenarios share a common thread.
There is nonetheless a common thread in European responses to America's troubles.
A common thread uniting all myths is that no myth is created by one single rational mind.
A common thread of online discussion is why someone considered beautiful was so dissatisfied with her looks.
The use of objects in relation to the body is a common thread found throughout the works of these artists.
While almost all of the programming tests I took were different there was definitely a common thread between them.
Soon insights flow and they each share of their introspective moments to discover a common thread of karmic happenstance to render.
You may look at this web book and see only words and images, but if you feel a common thread it will lead you to a folded order.
It's about feeling a certain way and using that feeling as a common thread - a common reaction - for people who go through the same thing.
Your notes will make more sense to you if you identify a common thread and create a frame of reference in your head before the lecture begins.
当你在课程前确定讲课的主线或构造参考资料的框架时,笔记对你会非常有意义。 。
There is actually a common thread in the five misconceptions-denial: a desperate desire to minimize the problem for fear of confronting its implications.
A common thread throughout is that the Flexnerian model of medical education may now be in for changes nearly as profound as those Flexner proposed 100 years ago.
I've been researching the most common and devastating diseases Americans are dealing with, with the aim of finding a common thread running throughout both cause and reversal.
They only snapped out of the stupor, they said, by thinking of their loved ones, especially their children — a common thread in the stories of survivors of all kinds of disasters.
A common thread linking the two phenomena is in the vital role played by moist processes in the atmosphere and how they can be affected by mean SST and interactive SST anomaly.
You can have thousands of pages in a website, but if they are not connected by a common thread or are not linked properly, then chances are search engines may never discover them.
A common thread that runs through the declarations and action plans adopted by the recent series of global conferences is that of national responsibility and international solidarity.
A common thread of all of our initiatives is the promotion of a welcoming culture that will enable the full inclusion and participation of refugees and migrants in receiving societies.
However, the basic premise for needing an organization mechanism to choose the right technology, standards, best practices, and collaborative decision making is a common thread across organizations.
Another common threading model is to have a single background thread and task queue for tasks of a certain type.
Here are some techniques for avoiding long-running actions in the UI thread, using a common example: a table or tree that is filled from some sort of database query, network call, or disk.
One common workaround was to use a pool of threads created at VM startup, rather than creating each new thread on demand.
If the problem remains a mystery after analyzing the PMI data, a set of thread dumps of the JVM often pinpoints synchronized methods and other common problems.
The Executor class does serve as a common place to get Executor-implementing instances, but it only has new methods (to create a new thread pool, for example); it doesn't have precreated instances.
Executor类实际上充当着一个提供Executor 实现实例的共同位置,但它只有new方法(例如用于创建新线程池);它没有预先创建实例。
The Executor class does serve as a common place to get Executor-implementing instances, but it only has new methods (to create a new thread pool, for example); it doesn't have precreated instances.
Executor类实际上充当着一个提供Executor 实现实例的共同位置,但它只有new方法(例如用于创建新线程池);它没有预先创建实例。