Many Diploma and Higher Diploma courses have been put into subject groups and share a common year-1 curriculum.
Despite common misconceptions, a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits—in fact, it probably enhances it.
But despite common misconceptions, a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits—in fact, it probably enhances it.
While nowhere near as common as knee or ankle sprains, torn ACLs put players out of the game for up to a year.
After a while he said gently, he saw the orchid in the yard every year, but he thought it was common grass, so he always plucked it.
We sat down with Dr. D to talk about the most common reason for visits to the doctor this time of year: a wicked cough.
Which brings up a common question: If the summer solstice is the longest day of the year, why are the dog days of August typically hotter?
So a lot more people are getting it - around 300, 000 a year, making it one of the most common operations.
Over the last year he has raised $3, 000 for Common Hope, a charity working with street children in Guatemala.
Trading down is most common among households with an income of more than $100,000 a year. (Poorer people bought fewer posh brands in the first place.)
Falciparum malaria-the most deadly type-is most common in sub-Saharan Africa, where it causes nearly a million deaths a year.
The most common seasonal flu virus found in the United States this year is type a (H1N1).
For 191 nations to agree on a common path forward, many debates will be needed over the coming year, both within countries and among them.
This takes the most common standard date formats: ISO dates (including year), just a time of day, or an offset in minutes.
For instance, it is common to use a range query to find all documents that occurred last year or last month.
Swaps are available on a variety of corporate and sovereign debts and with varying periods of protection; one- and five-year contracts are common.
Nasal congestion, stuffy nose, runny nose - these are common problems experienced by everyone, usually many times a year.
It's not a common cancer; only about 900 people are get it each year.
Several studies, such as a study by Slovenian researchers published in the journal Critical Care last year, have found that NDEs are quite common.
It's common today for a 10-year-old baseball pitcher to need the tendon replacement surgeries for an injured elbow that were previously restricted to college and major league pitchers.
Full scale testing of transaction systems with significant simulated historical data, like a year, is basic common sense unless you like production system emergencies.
About one out of every 10 two-year-olds in the study was a late talker, scoring in the lowest 15 percent on a list of 310 common words.
Over thepast year in the Premier League there has been a turn back towards4-4-2 (or 4-4-1-1), but single striker systems remain common and inSpain 4-2-3-1 has been the default for some time.
In the first half of the year, gold benefited from worries about the euro amid a sovereign-debt crisis along the periphery of the common-currency zone.
While it is unusual for people of that age to hold down a job, it is becoming more and more common to reach the 100-year mark.
While it is unusual for people of that age to hold down a job, it is becoming more and more common to reach the 100-year mark.