To date, it has functioned as a complete set of weather calendar to guide the agricultural production in China.
Since the founding in 1949, China has established a complete set of systems and mechanisms to safeguard and fulfill the rights of the people.
There has been no a set of united and complete library law made by the highest organ of state power since the founding of our People's Republic of China.
Beijing, China, February 18, 2008 - ABB will provide a complete set of electrical equipment for a cold rolling mill project at Yunnan Aluminum co., Ltd (Yunnan Aluminum).
Beijing, China, February 19, 2008 - ABB will provide a complete set of electrical equipment for a cold rolling mill project at Yunnan Aluminum co., Ltd (Yunnan Aluminum).
Beijing, China, February 19, 2008 - ABB will provide a complete set of electrical equipment for a cold rolling mill project at Yunnan Aluminum co., Ltd (Yunnan Aluminum).